(3 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Top right on the front half of the case is where I usually put mine.

A lot of measuring/eyeballing before and during cutting/drilling. Test fitting before final installation.

americasteam7 wrote:
katsumbhong wrote:

People like you over flood the market with overpriced goods. You are price gouging the community.

Your gameboy is worth maybe $70-$80 shipped.

There will not be a bidding war on it where someone will want it for $250.

Why are you trying to rip us off?

Oh yeah. Then why do I already have 4 watchers on it?

That's called people that don't know any better.

People like you over flood the market with overpriced goods. You are price gouging the community.

Your gameboy is worth maybe $70-$80 shipped.

There will not be a bidding war on it where someone will want it for $250.

Why are you trying to rip us off?

Your other items on your eBay page seems to have reasonably priced items.

Your replaypoker profile is funny.


americasteam7 wrote:
katsumbhong wrote:

Chiptune music is based of using out of date gaming and computer hardware. That means that we're not looking to spend a whole lot of cash to begin with. A lot of us use emulators for crying out loud! If modders really believe in the chiptune scene and want to see amazing music being made by talented people, I don't feel they should be price gouging with their mediocre products.

I hate seeing sellers on ebay trying to pawn off their internal prosound, inverted backlight dmgs on ebay for hundreds of dollars.

I'm a modder and it pisses me off seeing people try to pull shit like this. Flawless, ultra rare, custom, one of a kind, beautiful. Are you kidding me? $110+ for a clear gameboy with some paint and a backlight?!?!

If I add the word rare, it means I can charge more, right?

Did you just make this account to post in the for sale thread?

Yes. And if you don't like the price then don't buy it and don't curse me out. I posted it $250 only if someone wanted it bad enough to not risk losing a bidding war. Otherwise people can bid for it and possibly win it for $110 or less dude.

You are price gouging our community. You poison the internet.

Chiptune music is based of using out of date gaming and computer hardware. That means that we're not looking to spend a whole lot of cash to begin with. A lot of us use emulators for crying out loud! If modders really believe in the chiptune scene and want to see amazing music being made by talented people, I don't feel they should be price gouging with their mediocre products.

I hate seeing sellers on ebay trying to pawn off their internal prosound, inverted backlight dmgs on ebay for hundreds of dollars.

I'm a modder and it pisses me off seeing people try to pull shit like this. Flawless, ultra rare, custom, one of a kind, beautiful. Are you kidding me? $110+ for a clear gameboy with some paint and a backlight?!?!

If I add the word rare, it means I can charge more, right?

Did you just make this account to post in the for sale thread?

Buy it now price for $250 + shipping?

Interested in the Micro! HMU!


(9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

You don't clean blown fuses...


(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I would try and get a hold of paypal by phone. Whenever I had any issues, I was able to get a human on the other end of the phone line.


(9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Geoffrey wrote:

Does the card have to be 64m+?

Purchase the ROM license. Go to Kitch-Bent's website and purchase a 64m EMS Cart and email him a screenshot of your donation and BAM!!!!!


(9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Fuse is inside the power switch. Take it apart.

Which resistor did you use for your front light?

Did you blow the power switch fuse?

Check it.


(4 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

You can use GB Cart Flasher or a similar program based on it for the smartboy cartridges.

https://www.dropbox.com/s/1uewhzyojeg76 … _setup.exe



(10 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

ShintarouMusic wrote:

These days, they're all the easiest to install



(16 replies, posted in Trading Post)

The modder that I've been in contact with about this mod has told me that he couldn't find any identifying marks as to which of the DS units would carry the FL or the BL. He said that the FL units were only produced for a very short run. He had purchased a bulk order of broken DS' from eBay and had found a number of them to contain the FL units.