(3 replies, posted in Trading Post)

I have a Green PiL Shell w/ battery cover. It has RCAs already mounted and ready for soldering.


(9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Quit being a cheap ass and buy the 9v batteries.


(9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Yes, No, Maybe.


(19 replies, posted in Circuit Bending)

MostlyToast wrote:

Couldn't you just take a mono one and build it twice and use a stereo jack? I may be incredibly stupid so don't trust anything i say.


Just completed editing and testing a batch of guitar samples for LSDJ kits!

From: Jam Sessions 2
Specifics: Basic Palette 1 Chords
FX: Reverb
Length: 4.5-5 seconds long
Special Notes: Run kits at 0.5 speed.
Ma = Major chords
mi = Minor chords
up/down = down stroke and return stroke of guitar strings.



(19 replies, posted in Circuit Bending)

seatrash wrote:

you can check madbean pedals also. they're primarily for guitar effects, but they have some really awesome (premade) PCBs with well put-together tutorials.



Jazzmarazz wrote:

Let's begin with a group purchase. Once Darko has all five peoples 7dollars, he can ship individually I'm sure. 

Who wants an LSDj? I couldn't care less for it (can't wrote music) but I want to jump start this.

Count me in for one cart!

If it sounded like I was a complete asshole smoking crack that didn't know what I was talking about when I was making the posts, I apologize. I think the brake cleaner at work is getting to me.


12ianma wrote:
katsumbhong wrote:

If the carts are non-programmable by the end user, your saves are done once the battery shits the bed.

Would be beneficial if they came with LittleFM + lsdj.

First little fm needs a re programmable IC and second SRAM is always reprogramable unless it's some really really proprietary cart. I doubt this to be an issue on any mbc-blah carts

Is the cart Darko offering flashable?

If not you're sav files will be lost once the battery dies, and you can only back up via MMC or transfer via LittleFM.

We won't find out until more info on the carts come out. Speaking too soon there buddy.

Alpine wrote:
katsumbhong wrote:

If the carts are non-programmable by the end user, your saves are done once the battery shits the bed.

Would be beneficial if they came with LittleFM + lsdj.

sorry, call me a noob, but couldn't you dump the save with a physical cart flasher (e.g. Jazz's) or would that not work?

If the cart that is being made is flashable.

You can't just stick in any gameboy cart into a flasher and flash stuff into it.

Alpine wrote:

I'm hella interested in this, £25 + pnp for 5 carts with lsdj/ carrilon on would be p boss

If the carts are non-programmable by the end user, your saves are done once the battery shits the bed.

Would be beneficial if they came with LittleFM + lsdj.


(41 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

It's all on the data sheet.


(3 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Retron 5?


(41 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Z-Axis tape will be amazing for SGB CPU swaps.

Uploaded a new kit!

I took guitar samples from Jam Sessions 2 from their Basic Palette 1 selection of chords and kitted them into LSDj.

You will need to play these kits at 0.5 speed in the instrument screen as they are 4 sec samples.