Added Altoid Tin Mixers. Will be making a run of 16 of these.



(16 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Bamboori wrote:

in what condition do you need it? i can easly grab one for about 10-15€, but they often have a broken hinge or something the like (nothing that couldnt be repaired with a simple replacement part from china).

I'm looking to pick them up local. I found out that they have front light panels that can be used in lighting GBCs and are a lot cheaper to find than GBA SP AGS-001s... at least for me!


(16 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Anyone have an original Nintendo DS that they don't mind letting go of?


(274 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Jazzmarazz wrote:
katsumbhong wrote:

Are there photos of the enclosure... I'm a little slow. Just wanted to see what it would look like.

It is going to be the ordinary top and bottom panel that you so commonly see on indie projects. The design is not yet finalized, but you can get an idea from this; … _1-big.jpg



(274 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Are there photos of the enclosure... I'm a little slow. Just wanted to see what it would look like.


(25 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Common sense, quit being lazy.


(25 replies, posted in General Discussion)

That's why you vary the search with different words...


(25 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Isn't the purpose of a university assignment for you to do the research instead of asking people for answers?

Pressure = crack


(4 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I run Windows XP in Parallels on my Macbook Pro and runs the EMS software fine.

DMGer wrote:
katsumbhong wrote:

I use rubbing alcohol to clean off sticker residue and that has never happened to me. Did you try cleaning your DMG with a hammer???

No. XD
It may have been the strength of the alcohol I was using. That and, as I said, it may have just been from getting inside of a crack. That's probably the case since the LCDs in people's game boys are fine. Cleaning the LCD with rubbing alcohol is always recommended.

Then you should say never to clean clear case cracks with rubbing alcohol... the title of your thread is extremely misleading.

I use rubbing alcohol to clean off sticker residue and that has never happened to me. Did you try cleaning your DMG with a hammer???

Jazzmarazz wrote:

It looks damn good! Sorry to have hurried the board though.  Next time they should fit without drelliof nyn ng of any kind.

It's all good man! I was able to practice my skills of fitting things into cases.

Did a mock up on a greyboy and had a spare clear case laying around.

My concerns for an enclosure were as follows:
- Properly measured mounting points and surfaces.
- Angle at which the cart entered in the "slot" of the enclosure to the connector.
- Coverage and protection of the PCB and components.

Since the PCB of the DMG and programmer were of comparable thickness and nothing was blocking the original mounting holes of the cartridge connector I felt that mounting the programmer inside a DMG case was the most logical solution.

Using a clear case would allow the user to forgo any further drilling of the case to expose the lit LEDs, keeping as few and unnecessary cuts and holes as possible in the modding process of the case itself.

Additional LEDs would not serve any purpose functionally and I feel the enclosure looks good as is.

+ Power Drill to make pilot holes.
+ Dremel w/ cut-off wheel for big cuts.
+ Small Diagonal Cutters for small cuts.
+ Hand file for fitting.

+Clear PiL DMG-01 Case