To be more clear with making longer samples:

-If you have a really long sample, do all of your adjustments such as normalize, compressor, changing sample rate, etc. first.
-Select the section you want to sample (keep it just under 4 seconds if anything).
-Cut it.
-Open up a new audacity window.
-Paste it.
-Run a Change Speed filter and make the sample twice as fast. This will bring it down to under 2 seconds.
-Save the file.
-Upload the file onto the LSDJ Patcher.
-Save it as a kit or export as a GB ROM.
-Load it up to LSDJ and place the sample kit into the WAV channel.
-Adjust the kit instrument so that the speed will run at 0.5 rate.
-You now have a kit that plays longer than 2 seconds in LSDJ.

Repeat until really long sample is complete.

It is very tedious, but if you really want to use a particular custom kit, you have to put in the mind numbing work. Beer usually helps.

Apeshit wrote:

Figured I'd mention this in case you feel it's necessary for your list. Our new carts aren't MBC5 carts, but they work the same as the old model.

I know. Your older run in the green translucent casing were the MBC5 models and the ones you just released are your Fighter Carts.

PM received and replied.


Looking to trade one of my Drag n Derp Flash Carts for (2) 64M EMS USB Carts or (1) 64M EMS USB Cart + (1) Smartboy Cart.



(7 replies, posted in Releases)

Lsdsng files are individual songs pulled from sav files. You will have to use LSDJ Manager to add the lsdsng file to a sav file.

Dire Hit wrote:

I've got samples I've been unable to patch into kit files due to my computer being absolute shit, here they are: … ogress.rar

Some still need chopping up to be short enough for lsdj.

A quick kit I threw together that I did a few weeks ago. (It isn't perfect and the timing is off, I did this to see what it would sound like)

Each sample is closer to 4 seconds than the allotted 2 second limit.

My method to do this was to speed up the audio sample in audacity by 2x then play the kit back in LSDJ at 0.5 speed. That is one way to get around the kit limitations in longer samples.


(274 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

SMT Arduinoboy.

In my experience there is always that click in longer samples when played inside the patcher only. When the kit is loaded into lsdj and played back on the gameboy there is no noticeable click.


(274 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)



(16 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

herr_prof wrote:

Those stories are never cool.

You know what I mean... Hopefully.

I had worked on a song for 2-weeks straight on a 64M ems cart before it became corrupted. This was before I figured out how to back up savs on an ems cart.


(16 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Anyone have any cool stories of their flash carts dying or data becoming corrupted?


(494 replies, posted in Trading Post)


Any plans for a flasher?

Contact jazzmarazz(sic)


(494 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Pm sent!


(494 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Dat foresight.

Great prices! AGS-101 looks great!