How's it going everyone. I'm working on music this month and putting a hold on the modifying aspect of chiptune music until I can get some music released. This thread will be an update/progress report for the song I am currently working on.

+ DMG-01
+ LSDJ 4.7.3
+ Numark M6 USB Mixer
+ Audacity (Compressor Effect added to the track)
+ Final Cut Pro X

My youtube channel:

+ Headphones and 720p/1080p for best quality audio.

WIP 1 (8-12-2013)
Notes: A song I've been working on my free time the past day or so.

WIP 2 (8-15-2013)
Notes: I've only managed to complete one full chain in the past two days. Tried different instruments and melodies past line 3 but nothing so far seemed to be doing it. Working more on it this weekend.

WIP 3 (8-17-2013)
Notes: Repeated a row of chains in near the beginning of the song and added drum samples. Using a kit of 8-bit kick samples and 8-bit amen break samples. Working on figuring out how to break down this melody and build up another.

WIP 4 (8-19-2013)
Notes: Redid some of the drum sections and managed to start transitioning into the middle portion of the song. Added some effects from a Korg Mini KP and a Numark M6 USB mixer.

WIP 5 (8-25-2013)
Notes: Tweaked Line 8 and added Line 9. Not really enjoying it all that much. Before I tried adding a bass line in the WAV channel with WAV instruments and it wasn't working out. It feels like I'm still trying to "build up" the song instead of evening off or plateauing. The drum sections are sounding a little too silly and I don't think the zapping sounds and kicks are doing much for the song in the noise channel. I am most likely going to re-do lines 8 and 9 and try to keep it simple without overcomplicating it... like it is now.

WIP 6 (8-27-2013)
Notes: Spent three hours last night and two hours tonight working on it. I am more happy with how it has turned out. 90% done. A lot of fine tuning. Five more days left on my August song project. I went back to the song file for WIP4 and progressed from there instead of working off of WIP5.

WIP 7 (8-29-2013)
Notes: Repeated some sections, changed some sections, tweaked a few instruments, and added tempo changes within the song. Going to make a few more tweaks here and there to the song tomorrow. Three more days until my August song project deadline is upon me.


(8 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

If you clsim to restore gameboys and you take yourself seriously, you'll have a decent quality tri-wing screwdriver which can be had for less than $5.


thebitman wrote:
katsumbhong wrote:

To my understanding the 64M EMS carts on a MGB drain the regular batteries quick (~15-minutes). A fix to this would be using batteries with more juice.

Not quite true, most "newer" 64M carts work just fine, it had to do with earlier versions of the cart not drawing power correctly. I think it may be worthwhile at some point to survey the cart revision numbers like we have the DMG CPU's to see where the discrepancies are.

When did the switch to the newer design happen?!

There was a post about someone use Li-Ion AAA batteries either her or on 8BC back in the day that were hooked up in series. I think you had to add a few things to the circuit and desolder a few things, run some jumper wires and you're gravy.

Jazzmarazz wrote:

Remove why?

To my understanding the 64M EMS carts on a MGB drain the regular batteries quick (~15-minutes). A fix to this would be using batteries with more juice.


(88 replies, posted in General Discussion)

bitjacker wrote:

adapters made for the gameboy advance sp grind my gears.



(88 replies, posted in General Discussion)

This shit is getting serious.


(159 replies, posted in General Discussion)

bryface wrote:

gummi cola bottles 4 life.



(88 replies, posted in General Discussion)

+ It really grinds my gears when someone calls me to ask what someone else is thinking or what they are doing. I proceed to tell the person in a very pissed off and sarcastic manner that they should probably call that person because they might know a little more about themselves than I would.

+ It really grinds my gears when someone calls me to ask a question where the answer is readily available through google search.



(12 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I have parts ready to swap over. Just wondering if anyone had any of the 411. I'll go ahead and do it and find out.


(12 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Anyone exerience WAV channel playback issues?


(16 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

The metal on the screwdriver is flakey? Try to get a decent quality set of screwdrivers used for small electronics and make sure to use the proper tool for the proper job.


(12 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

stargazer wrote:

SGB runs slightly faster so the pitch gets messed up a little, it's minimal though.

The actual CPU?

To my understanding it only ran slightly faster because of the timing crystal on the SGB board.

I presume it should run at "normal" speed if it was swapped into a dmg.


(12 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I am aware that there are some issues with the older versions of the DMG-01 CPU and LSDJ but is anyone aware if there are any issues with the SGB CPU and LSDJ?