(15 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

Pretty impressive. Has a nice Castlevania/Guilty Gear/Super Thunderforce vibe


(41 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Sorry for bumping this, but I am just wondering:

The only thing I want to do is launch ableton clips while lsdj is running and launch lsdj while ableton clips are running.

Is it possible? And what do I need? I was searching the forum but could not find an answer. This seemed the appropriate thread.

And yes, I know, human syncing is possible, but syncing ableton and lsdj live by ear is a bitch.

We once played this clash of the bands contest, and for reasons beyond sheer rationality we won. This dude from another band marched to the jury, seeminly agitated, and starts ranting "how two drunk guys that just push buttons on child's toys and drink beer could win from bands with real musicians".

Oh wait, that was the best compliment we ever got.


(141 replies, posted in General Discussion)

VCMG wrote:
SketchMan3 wrote:

If MTV starts showing chiptune videos and we can actual make a living off of it... will we still call it legit?

No we'll say chiptune has sold out and move on to other niche-y music.

But seriously I fear for the day when chiptune becomes fully "mainstream."

Why fear the day when chiptune becomes mainstream?

Often we're recognized: "hey! You're those drunk retards that push buttons!"

oeps... Done!


(41 replies, posted in General Discussion)

As a listener I do not really care, or it has to be something special, like the cheap dinosaurs plant, or the infinity shred 4 vinyl album.

As a musician I love to release physical stuf. Unfortunately, it costs money plus no one really seems to buy stuff anymore at shows. We're still stuck with +200 copies of Clarence, our first ep, because we had to order 600 cds (that was their minimum).

Castlevania IV prologue:


firebrandboy wrote:
Men of Mega wrote:

My bad, the deal via ableton.com ended a week ago apparently...

it was a 33% discount.

Yes! That was the deal! Still pretty awesome. Kind of bummed out now that I did not buy max.

On the 6th of July the EINDBAAS SUMMER TOUR commences at Subsonic Groningen.

Line up:

XYCE - http://www.facebook.com/xycechipmusic

MEN OF MEGA - http://www.menofmega.com

ROCCOW - http://www.facebook.com/roccowschiptune

Free entrance! Plus it is Xylo's birthday party as well big_smile

Check out the event page for details:


Men of Mega wrote:

Plus max is 50% off this month...

where did you see this?

My bad, the deal via ableton.com ended a week ago apparently...


(141 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I think we made around 2000 dollar last year. Our cocaine habit made it last for 8 days.

Oh fuck, I just saw all the brackets. How the hell should I choose between An0va and Danimal Cannon??

an0va wrote:

actually PLEASE let's make this like a 2d fighter

Chip Fighter II Turbo

and maybe during the cons, add teams superbosses like Metroid Metal for:

Chiptune VS. VGM 2

Ok, when is this going to happen?


(124 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I only listen to death metal.

So is there a video yet? REALLY want to check this out. Plus max is 50% off this month... big_smile This might be the reason to get it.

And when will the GenMDM be available again?