(141 replies, posted in General Discussion)

dunno, don't remember, don't care enough to change it. its suprisingly catchy.



(53 replies, posted in Releases)



(40 replies, posted in Releases)

haha indeed.  i think pretty much all the necessary points have been made.


(40 replies, posted in Releases)

great release. mixing the old and new is what really makes certain releases stand out to me. don't get me wrong, i love a lot of chipmusic and i love a lot of fakebit, but when the two are mixed and combined with other things... well, to myself, thats what is intriguing. duality of old and new, "real" and "fake", its pretty awesome i think.


(2 replies, posted in Trading Post)

idk how much shipping is to the UK. im sure we can work something out though, shoot me an email.


(2 replies, posted in Trading Post)

shipping's included on all of these (within the US)... im literally starving and am selling stuff.

Inspire 1394

firewire recording interface, 2 xlr inputs and 2 1/4" inputs, rca inputs and outputs. $170.

akai lpd8

8 pads, 8 knobs, great midi controller. usb.


akg 3000c

large diaphragm, cardiod/omni/bidirectional.


ill have more stuff up soon...

all this stuff is great and i love it to death... but. nashville has no jobs, im out of food and money, and i'm needing to sell shit. get it. ill be putting up some more stuff, a telecaster, laptop, some more electronics and shit.

first come first serve, all shipping is included within the US. if it's going further we'll have to work something out.

[email protected]

fuck yeah.

IAYD wrote:

I look so angry/I have an eyepatch

you should totally play with an eyepatch on.

haha im blond? sweet?

BRKBRKBRKBRK! and i know you got one of my shirts already too big_smile

RushCoil wrote:

I wonder about "beats" - like, do you guys typically pick upbeat stuff for these shows? Does anyone ever do their slower stuff?

I do both! It's always a nice breather to hear something thats completely different. what's hard is transitions. i've found these really are what keeps the audiences attention focused on the music, without letting them get distracted between songs.

chunter wrote:

As a performer, it is your task to ensure that the audience, whether it is 2, 20, 200, or 2000 makes no difference, are united and entertained by your presence, whether you are completely silent, reading poetry, plugging in faulty cables, pressing Start on your song mode piece, singing, dancing, or doing absolutely nothing. How you accomplish this is as different as every person, is different at every show, and can be learned but not taught.

quote of the thread/night/stuff. well said.


(21 replies, posted in Releases)

great shit.


(178 replies, posted in General Discussion)

its really not that hard if you actually put the effort into it... the thing is, as zzzv said, that a lot of people just don't care. music should be first and foremost for our own enjoyment, yeah?

hahaha nice!

very excite!