(2 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

...makes it possible.

Perhaps you've seen this before, but I've somehow managed to miss it. So, just in case:


TmTgr wrote:
iLKke wrote:

Ninjatracker actually exists for C64

I will need a better name for my awesome tracker then

American ninja tracker?

Nice interview, tho it could have focused more on me being a genius! big_smile


(9 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Tinctu wrote:

When I press select there is menu. And than I want see what I choose.
So I want have inverted row - actual item.
No plazma row...

+ maybe light color scheme more visible on GBA LCD... More contrast colors...

+ Change name "Fatass" to another name...

For example:


etc etc etc etc

I don't see the need to change the colors.


(9 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

rallyj wrote:

I also recommend the aforementioned programs such as Renoise and Reason, although I've never tried making chipmusic on Reason yet.

I think disasterpiece uses Reason.

I'd recommend Famitracker.
Renoise is as good as trackers get, but it's not what you'd call 'simple'.

TmTgr wrote:

Teenage mutant ninja tracker

or maybe just ninja tracker alone is ok

Ninjatracker actually exists for C64

RG wrote:

This reminds me of a story...

Back in the mid-to-late 90's there was a program for the Amiga called "Music Assembly", but it was abbreviated to "Music Ass" every time I saw mention of it. For years I thought the program was literally called "Music Ass".

I change my tracker submission to: Music Ass.

Read the topic aloud. Slowly. big_smile

Mary-Ann Elizabeth


(18 replies, posted in Releases)

Love it.

I'm enjoying these immensely.


(6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Ah OK.
Seems like no one has anything good to say about them. Thanks for clearing that up. smile

I guess I should only ever consider buying one if I find them dirt cheap.

Guess we should wait and see what Goatslacker has to say about it. I expect he has the old data stashed somewhere, at least.


(58 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Personally I feel this industry depends on taking someone else's enthusiasm and creativity, and mincing it into a hamburger that should appeal to mr.Joe Average.
Fuck that.

Also, who the hell watches TV anymore? big_smile

Sycamore Drive wrote:

Why does it need to be hosted at all? Couldn't you just start up a new forum topic here and the person who posts the thread can just update the first page regularly?

How does that bring back all the patches already submitted?
Also, it doesn't have to be hosted, but then you can filter the patches by type, author, etc.


(6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I've got a nice opportunity to purchase a light boy:

So, I have a few questions...

-Will it only fit on the original DMG? I've also got a GBC and am wondering if I can tack it on somehow.
-How does this compare to lightmod, in terms of visibility?



(60 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Machopatty wrote:

I'm running this on a GB emulator on my PSP and I can't get into menu options: Samples, Waveforms, Trade, and Sync.

Do I have it installed wrong?

Haha no.
Some things were just never implemented, it seems.