
(211 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I like soccer, but what I hate about the world cup is how brazilian people get completelly nuts and proud of its country, but two days after the final game they're back to the third-world ass-fucking and start to complain just like before.

and I root for Maradona. At least he's got sense of humor.

Pulselooper: chipcultura.org


(14 replies, posted in Releases)

bom pra caralho.


(7 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Ismpof wrote:

Unfortunately not:(
Hmmm...I bought a really cheap interface:
http://image.made-in-china.com/2f0j00vB … W-718-.jpg

Despite of your actual problems, I hope you're only expecting to receive midi clock on your game boy. I had this same midi/usb cable and it just can't handle with midi notes (at least, with retriggering and arpeggios).

que tal www.musicadesilicio.org ?

Ebot, por favor incluya Pulselooper en la lista. No se ha pensado en un nombre para o sitio, pero estoy pensando. smile


(21 replies, posted in Releases)

"The Minotaur" is really beautiful.


(21 replies, posted in Releases)

I love your last album. Downloading right now.

yahoo did something like this with space invaders 30th anniversary. But google is better, as always.


(11 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

thanks a lot man! No problem, for the moment I'll do the effects directly in the DMG. Later I'll keep searching.

Too bad the folks at forum.ableton.com ain't nice like the folks here. Left this doubt there and no one has even looked at it hmm


(274 replies, posted in General Discussion)


I have a very basic opinion about all of this: it's better to stay still and play better music than the opposite.


(11 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Well, I solved it the dummy (but faster) way: opened the mGB.als inside ableton and then clicked-and-dropped my set.als inside the mGB "project". The midi mappings are still there.

Now, what I'd like to know is how to correctly set the macro controls in the mGB editor for controlling the parameters. What is happening is when I try to link some parameter inside map mode, there is a conflict with the command controls. For example, if I try to map the Pulse 1/Pulse Width to Macro 1, a window pops up saying "The selected controller conflicts with the previous mappin to CC 1. ". I know the CC 1 is for the pulse width. But if I set, for example, Macro 1 to CC 14, why the hell does it conflict with CC 1?


(11 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

update: I put both files on edit midi mode, and here's what happens: the mGB.als has all its CC's mapped, and the other file (my set with the mGB editor opened inside it) doesn't.

only the mGB.als

my set

If there's no other choice, I could redo all the CC mapping by hand, but the thing is I don't know how to do that inside ableton. Any tips?


(11 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Hey OlympicCarrier, thanks for your reply. I didn't write earlier because I was trying to find some way. And I found, but half way. Here what happens: when I open the mGB Editor.als ALONE in ableton, and then insert a midi track, it works like a charm. All midi CC goes beautifully to each dmg channel. But when I try to open the instrument rack inside an already created file (in that case, my whole set), none of the effects work.

In both files (the mGB.als and my set.als), the mGB editor midi out is to my controller. But it only works when I don't open it inside a file created earlier.

Any idea why does it happen?

I like how the movie turned into a futuristic post-apocalyptic flick!

btw, Sergio Leone is my all-times favorite director.