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Topics by arlen
Posts found: 49-64 of 615
seems like sd2iec is my best option. thanks guys! a sort of related question: has anyone used defMON on an ntsc machine at all? asked goto80 about it but he didn't know. I'm just curious because I know SID-Wizard supports ntsc machines so maybe running defMON will screw up the tuning or something.
Even in Goat Tracker ntsc is slightly higher pitched than pal. it kind of bothers me. actually it really bothers me! Why does Goat Tracker gotta do that??
I thought there was another one but couldn't remember the name! I'll have to look into sd2iec a little more, but it is cheaper and handles prg and d64! Which is really my main concern.
So I'm going to have a c64 in my possession soon but I'm not sure what route I should go for for running trackers on it. I'll have a disk drive, but no floppies. Been eyeing that kerberos cart for SID Wizard and Cynthcart MIDI but I don't think it supports d64 and I'm also curious about trying defmon on ntsc.
There's also that ultimate drive but that's kinda pricey. Easy Flash seems like another decent alternative but I haven't seen if it'll support d64 stuff.
So what's the general consensus? Should I just find some big old floppies or what?
1) Peer - Dances
2) The Depreciation Guild - In Her Gentle Jaws
3) Pajjama - Starch
i guess 2 aren't exactly "pure" chip but whatever. still my faves.
Jazzmarazz wrote:arlen wrote:SWEET!!! Just gotta find a usable monitor and a way to get some trackers or cynthcart or something. Thanks Jazz and Nursey!
I could probably hook you up with a cynthcart and composite video cable in exchange for the four carts.
the c64 games? sure i'd be willing to trade those.
SWEET!!! Just gotta find a usable monitor and a way to get some trackers or cynthcart or something. Thanks Jazz and Nursey!
Yo if Jazzmarazz doesn't want that C64 I'd be GLAD to take it! I've been wanting one for years now.
EDIT: I'm also near Detroit so you don't have to ship or whatever!!!!!!!!!!!
Ooh I thought of some others on NES.
Mr. Gimmick! (not sure if this will play correctly on ps2. uses a weird soundchip)
Recca '92
Alter Ego (fun homebrew puzzle platformer. probably not in the pack you downloaded. soundtrack by kulor!)
+1 on Shatterhand, too.
EVO is a pretty interesting SNES game.
Pop 'N Twinbee is a really good cute 'em up on SNES. Really nice art style and its easy to pick up.
I'm taking a stab in the dark here, but by 1996 trackers were pretty much what they are today. PC trackers were around by then and capable of a lot. Maybe it was nostalgia of c64 sounds and being inspired by what trackers were capable of on PC that brought people to want to push c64 to its limits? Maybe by 1996 trackers on the c64 were mature enough to really push the SID to its outer limits and give people a broader range of expression? Maybe seeing cracktro/keygen tunes on amiga and pc brought some people to their scene roots back on c64.
I definitely believe some interesting tunes were put out pre-1996. Nothing crazy like what you can find today with speech synthesis and all that, but I definitely feel there were plenty of people doing unique SID stuff back then.
the resident scene historian goto80 would probably have something more concrete and worthwhile on the subject.
This is awesome! Digging the new hizmi sound. That programming was sweet too! Always stoked to hear more from the X68000 maestro.
If you enjoy it, don't stop. If you have a dream or a vision, keep working towards it incrementally and you'll get there. Yes, it's discouraging at times, but it's also rewarding at times. I've been discouraged plenty of time, taken plenty of breaks, and at this point in my life I do chip stuff because it can still be fun for me. I've spent the last year and a half trying to start bands and having them fail before anything good happens. Is that going to stop me? Probably not.
As with a lot of things in life, you just have to be persistent and determined to get where you want to be.
Hundreds upon hundreds of sketches/loops that'll probably never go anywhere. Maybe only a couple tracks a year.
If I do OHCs that usually bumps that number up a lot more and its more motivating at times.
Very nice! Grabbed some older releases the other day and wondered why they were all 192 kbps.
glad to see the site updated, too.
long live 8bp!
Ooh. I'll have to check out ZXSpin. I need an emulator to play back beeper stuff.
Posts found: 49-64 of 615 / Forums / Posts by arlen