(49 replies, posted in Collaborations)

Was working on some simple c64 ones last night, based on the math:

lda temp3
adc #$ff  ; seed addition 1
sta temp3
lda temp2
adc #$ff ; seed addition 2
sta temp2

lda temp
adc temp3
adc temp2
and #$3f
sta temp
lda notehi,x
sta 54273+14
lda notelo,x
sta 54272+14

; seed variable inits.
temp .byte $00
temp2 .byte $45
temp3 .byte $96

It's only one channel for now, I might try and get some 3 channel tracks working.  Some examples made by changing the seed additions:  (pal c64 .exe files)



(45 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Some editors can save as executable .gb files but that's basically it, the one song with a standard display on-screen.  A lot of outlay for one track.

if you're trying this as a "first bit of coding" it'd be far easier to do on a computer than a cartridge-based piece of hardware. (and you can manufacture the releases yourself quite cheaply)  Code-wise you can probably get away with doing it in Basic if you don't want to try assembly, and if it's on the Amiga you can just do a CLI menu like "the old dayz".


(76 replies, posted in Releases)

Fantastic, been listening to this for a few weeks.  Yeah, welcome back Om!


(30 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Telerophon wrote:

I agree with 4mat. Letting the hardware upstage the musicianship is a problem, but the relationship the hardware has with the musicianship is interesting since the art is a product of the limitations and constraints in some regards.

Personally I think the whole "limitations and constraints" thing has been done to death, there's only so many times you can watch a card trick before it gets boring.   If people are going to keep going on about "but I'm only using a gameboy, or 4 channels, or whatever" we might as well pack up and go home.


(30 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Your average reader doesn't give a damn what hardware musicians use, that's only for This spam will soon be deleted magazines like Guitarist which is the right way it should be. How many times have you read the NME and they're talking about the merits of Ernie Ball strings?  Never.   At least the article doesn't focus completely on hardware for once, in some I've read it's almost like the musicians become secondary to some plastic box.

take a tip from eurovision, bring a clown or ballerina with you.


(30 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I'm sure mainstream punk articles annoy punk fans too.

i heart saskrotch

a landfill

Rips, it was nice having George here to bounce ideas off.  Not Origins that was a ballache. (restarted it 4 times)

surprised it's not in there, it's easy to code for the first two channels at least.  bit more brutal for the other two obv.

this might be of interest

probably Living on video as well.

Airwolf had at least 20 I think.


(141 replies, posted in General Discussion)

chipmusic is the "dad you don't understand Metallica" of the 20xx


(11 replies, posted in Releases)

SketchMan3 wrote:

Man! I haven't seen midi files used seriously in and of themselves in a loooong time. This is very much welcome big_smile

gm banks are so variable I guess we're all hearing that one slightly differently.  WHO NEEDS MANUSCRIPTS THIS IS THE DIGITAL INTERPRETATIONAL FUTURRRRR.