(9 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

Apricorn wrote:

ugh i still can't figure out how to do it. Where is the skin folder? I'm on a mac and i'm looking through the foler with all the instruents and dsp and theme folders

Applications -> Renoise_reg [right click to show package contents] -> Contents -> Resources -> Skin -> Fonts


(9 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

iLKke wrote:


Altho I really think you should put a dot inside the zero to make things more readable.

Although that may be true, 0's are used all over the place and it looked too cluttered for my eyes, so i removed the inside, I tried both styles, my fave with the slash, and the dot in the center. It's all subjective and personal preference of course.

I'll try looking for fony. I ened up writing my own script that converts text to the fon format. big_smile


(9 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

Apricorn wrote:

wow this looks cool. I don't know how to install it. Maybe its for an older renoise because when i try install a theme there isn't a font option and it only reads xml files

Read the description below the images on the topic post.

sounds like a problem with the tx line & midi. you sure the midi jack is wired correctly?

There is nothing wrong, TX light doesnt blink if the line isnt connected (IE: your computer isnt connected)


(9 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

So this weekend I was playing around with renoise. On my high res monitor even the "huge" font was a bit too small which kind of seemed like it took the fun away.

I decided to make a few new gigantic fonts that are in ".fon" format. It took awhile to convert pixel graphics to this old microsoft format.
This is only bearable with newer / hi-res screens as its rather large. Works great on my Macbook Air.

Source fonts

To "install" these fonts, replace/rename one of the old pattern fonts with one of them into the [renoise app here]/.../Skin/Fonts/ folder and then change your renoise settings to use that font in the renoise preferences -> GUI tab.

Also note in my screenshots I replaced the default font with a 04b font, which is pretty self explanatory to do- I'm not providing that information because the results are not very satisfying.

/end useless post

hotmessization wrote:
trash80 wrote:

I have the flux capacitor, I got it at Fry's.

I don't see a flux capacitor on the schematic. Is that for the taco mod?

The [Y] on the lower left. duh! wink

I have the flux capacitor, I got it at Fry's.


(4 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

The color is set using CSS. we could extend it if there was good reason for it (why?) and a clean way to implement the tag styling. aka [ spoiler:Click Me to Read Me:red ] or something.

Over the last few days I've been working on a hardware device for making realtime visuals using Arduino & and project called Gameduino which is a FPGA based graphics & sound engine with svga out for making video games on Arduino. (http://gameduino.com )

Have you thought about extending the list into motion graphics even though there is another place on the forums for that? It all kinda fits together to me.


(19 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

GRVYRDS wrote:

yeah an arduino uno would make more sense then. ill be ordering one soon i guess, is it pretty straightforward to program it?

easy getting started guide:


(19 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

GRVYRDS wrote:

kitsch: yeah, i know my computer can do it but i really dont like using my computer for music stuff, as unreasonable as that sounds lol

that schematic is exactly what i was looking for, awesome! will this work for the arduino?: http://shop.moderndevice.com/products/rbbb-kit

The cheap arduino clones usually don't supply a way to program the chip with USB, what we call TTL to USB, on the official Arduino it's built in, hence a USB port. For products like the one you linked to, you need a FTDI to USB cable or something simular. Which can cost $20 or so, making the clone not so cheap in the long run. Unless you desire the form factor it's worth the extra $15 to get a Arduino Uno.


(24 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

settings says its 30 mins if Im reading it right. will give it a try here to see what it does. Honestly I've never noticed it but maybe its because I check them all out fairly quickly


(155 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Subway Sonicbeat wrote:

And yes it is, in a broader sense of making music.
Or you can say sheet music is not sequencing notes?

Yes they all sequence notes but different interfaces can yield different results. Like composing using a guitar vs a piano. There are many differences between a tracker and a pianoroll, both have good points and bad.

As for LSDJ & Piggy, they are trackers, mostly simular to MODs than xm/it due to stricter channel limitations.
The learning curve on any of these programs is pretty much identical, coming from a tracker background I picked up LSDJ quickly.
If anything Gameboy might be harder due to obtaining a cart and transferring the gb rom- though I guess its easier now a days. damn kids *shakes fists*

Anyway, for those who argue for sound's sake, I'd suggest giving a listen to a list of MODs, but maybe someone should start another thread for that.

There are elitist people all over the internet, it has nothing to do with the moderators here nor the site itself. I take that kind of attitude in jest- it never bothers me because I don't take people's attitudes seriously online.

Having said that, It's good there is another community / option for people. Though I have to admit, I don't think any of these sites have much of a real future with the social networking bubbles kicking in full steam. We'll see how that goes.


(2 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

midi pitchbend is 14bit as oppose to 7bit.
(if you didnt know)
http://www.gweep.net/~prefect/eng/refer … c.html#Whl

and I did nothing special with pb if I recall correctly.