neilbaldwin wrote:
trash80 wrote:

Does he like ice cream sundays and long walks on the beach?

Probably. By himself. Talking about himself. In the third person.

Which is one of the things that utterly winds me up about him/her/them. There's surely nothing more pretentious than speaking about yourself in the third person.

Bitshifter? wink

No wait, are you talking about trash80? Hes so awesome

Nothing to do with capacitor. Have you tried the obvious and switch out the batteries?

neilbaldwin wrote:
egr wrote:

UK artist?

Uh huh...

Does he like ice cream sundays and long walks on the beach?

neilbaldwin wrote:

20 Questions? smile

is he into dub and is moody?


(8 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Ok so a few things... 1. If the music section is slow to load, either the server itself is being slow or your connection. 2. Music will be incorporated into a front page. 3. Music will be on the profile page, when the new profile page is done. 4. This site is under a year old, things take time- this isn't a paid gig. wink 5. I think these things are listed somewhere in this same sub forum.

Edit: It's stickied on this sub forum. Both issues about lack of features are listed in things to do.


(15 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

alesis 3630 dual-channel compressor limiter and gate. new for $99, unless you want something small, then one of those boss noise gate pedals.


(5 replies, posted in Trading Post)

NeX wrote:
trash80 wrote:

oh you just added a output jack so you dont need the adapter. got it. edit: thats a odd place for a jack being that holding it would be awkward. I take it there was no room on the back side?

there are different versions of the SP motherboard and i have found that the AGS101s in particular can get a very good line level output from them, but its more the point of taking the audio before the filter caps so that it is DC,

Yeah the one I tried was the newer guy with the brighter screen, to which I was unsuccessful. The cap on the audio line is generally a good thing, its a safety buffer, unlike some other models it doesn't filter anything audible- that I've found, then again I never messed around with that model- then again the old gameboy sound comparison site also doesn't show degradation- aka highpass filtering.


(5 replies, posted in Trading Post)

oh you just added a output jack so you dont need the adapter. got it. edit: thats a odd place for a jack being that holding it would be awkward. I take it there was no room on the back side?


(5 replies, posted in Trading Post)

correct me if im wrong, but when I looked into "prosound" modding a sp, there was absolutely no signal difference according to my oscilloscope.

gizmo wrote:

Whoops, i actually do have 4.0.5. I just stopped using the outrageous shape changes. But I'll try animal style's thing. I actually don't fully understand the changes created by the S command yet. I just have to mess with it till I like how it sounds. Need to learn the logic of it.

I do have to say, I love 4.0.5. The "prelisten" option is so tight.

The point is to not use tsp with the noise channel. Use the S command for pitch changes. smile


(58 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Your mom's so fat that I can't even close this thread on her.

Har, har.


(165 replies, posted in General Discussion)

God thats dumb, I hate that place.


(165 replies, posted in General Discussion)

dosPrompt wrote:

Please note that there are a pile of potentially "useful" *ahem* photos … 5575063519

Oh and this one is particularly good too

I can't do chops myself - particularly at work so I will just encourage you guys smile


(165 replies, posted in General Discussion)

celsius wrote:

You forgot to add Jeremiah.



(165 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Cid wrote:
celsius wrote:

All this needs is another Jeremiah head being eaten, and we're good to go.

I felt left out.


(44 replies, posted in General Discussion)

*Thread Closed*