(50 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Not my doing, its just nice to have a balance, unfortunately if you open the door, people will storm in like as if it was 8___ollective.

nordloef wrote:
trash80 wrote:

Mega memory cart is good for solo gameboy backups.

^This has saved my ass a few times. A MMC with a resent sav and a spare cart is something i always bring with me when I play live.

You can never be too safe.


(50 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Cause George is more of a listener.

Mega memory cart is good for solo gameboy backups.

Also live mode, a dj mixer (trust me they are so fun), and a second gameboy if you happen to have one for added fuxory.


(50 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Go to irc.


(30 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

herr_prof wrote:

oh yea and nanostudio is planning to support midi in using the line6 interface!

Wating for apple to approve the update now.


(30 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

on another note I've been using a iOS app (iphone / ipad) called nanostudio, it works great with oscillator loops. so do most old trackers and of course piggy tracker. I've been wanting to create a simple arduino synth to do this as well but I'm too sick at the moment. hmm


(30 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

About sound fonts, thats not a limitation of the sf2 format, but a bad implementation of the sampler/player. I would be willing to bet that the old soundblaster cards AWE/AWE32/etc play them just fine.


(30 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Spending that kind of cash you may as well skip the analog filters and go for something like the monomachine. the mkII can load osc shapes.
or the blofeld, or the nord wave, or most old samplers like akai or emu im sure can do that. But i'm biased, to me analog filters are a bit overrated.


(40 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Yeah... Well you are the ones making music on devices not intended for music production in the first place. Also with the 30 mins of soldering you could have used the saved money to buy your kids some ice cream. Some of my earliest memories as a child was watching and learning from my father soldering a memory expansion to our amiga 1000. To me it's all just excuses. wink


(22 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Re: SMD soldering. It's pretty easy if you get the technique down. Check out this pdf as an example from sparkfun http://www.sparkfun.com/datasheets/Prot … Basics.pdf ... also this page has a lot more if you scroll down: http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/tutori … als_id=107


(20 replies, posted in Trading Post)

low-gain wrote:

Trash80 had my kit that he built up.. he was selling it. not sure if it sold.. you should contact him to see if he still has it.

I sold mine. It was easy to solder. I'd say finding all the parts needed is the biggest issue.
If you ever need help just send me a pm.

RG wrote:
trash80 wrote:

Really? It's because he didn't want to spend money on a plane ticket? Really? ... This gets filed under who cares. His thing, his rules.

ON another note, we all know internet voting turns into a popularity contest and doesn't necessarily reflect quality work.

I personally thought the whole idea was pretty fucking stupid, don't get the wrong idea.

Also note I was not trying to diss dispyz's work. smile

Pixel+ wrote:

So I recently recieved my arduinoboy from scienceguy and it works, except I havent a clue as to how to switch instruments in mGB. Ive tried changing MIDI Channels on my Axiom 49, and nothing seems to be working, also I cant seem to be able to find any documentation as to how the arduinoboy works, something that would come pretty handy like a manual. Am I doing something wrong here? Or should I just try and figure it out on my own, anyone have any experience?

Switch synths? Each synth is on its own midi channel. Every available parameter is on the screen. To the lower right corner it will tell you the Midi CC to send to take control of the selected parameter.

* PU1 - MIDI CH1
  * Program Change: 1 to 15
  * PB: Pitch bend - up to +/- 12
  * cc1: Pulse width - 0,32,64,127
  * cc2: Envelope mode - 0 to 127, 16 possible steps
  * cc3: Pitch sweep
  * cc4: Pitchbend Range
  * cc5: Load Preset
  * cc10: Pan
  * cc64: Sustain- Turns off note off. <64 = off, >63 = on

* PU2 - MIDI CH2
  * Program Change: 1 to 15
  * PB: Pitch bend - up to +/- 12
  * cc1: Pulse width - 0,32,64,127
  * cc2: Envelope mode - 0 to 127, 16 possible steps
  * cc4: Pitchbend Range
  * cc5: Load Preset
  * cc10: Pan
  * cc64: Sustain- Turns off note off. <64 = off, >63 = on

  * Program Change: 1 to 15
  * PB: pitch bend - up to +/- 12
  * cc1: shape select : 16 possible on a 0 to 127 range
  * cc2: shape offset : 32 possible on a 0 to 127 range
  * cc3: Pitch Sweep speed. 0=Off, 1-127 speed.
  * cc4: Pitchbend Range
  * cc5: Load Preset
  * cc10: pan
  * cc64: Sustain- turns off note off. <64 = off, >63 = on

  * Program Change: 1 to 15
  * PB: pitch bend +/-24
  * cc2: envelope mode - 0 to 127, 16 possible steps
  * cc5: Load Preset
  * cc10: pan
  * cc64: (sustain) turns off note off. <64 = off, >63 = on

* POLY MODE - MIDI CH5 - Plays Pu1/Pu2 and Wav in poly
  * Program Change: 1 to 15
  * PB: pitch bend +/-2
  * cc1: See cc1
  * cc5: Load Preset
  * cc10: pan
  * cc64: (sustain) turns off note off. <64 = off, >63 = on

Shortcuts for mGB:
* Start: MIDI Panic- all notes off.
* Select + Dpad: Select multiple synths for editing.
* Select + A: Toggles the screen on or off, better battery life, less noise, and faster response.
* Select + B: Copys all parameters on screen while cursor is not on preset number.
* B: Pastes all parameters while cursor is not on preset number
* A + Dpad: Change parameter value
* To load/save presets, put the cursor on the "PRESET" number, and hit B for load, Select+B to save

As far as Arduinoboy there are 5 modes:
* Mode 1 - LSDJ Slave Mode, Sync to a midi clock with some additional MIDI note options on midi channel 16:
  * 48 - C-2 Sends a Sequencer Start Command
  * 49 - C#2 Sends a Sequencer Stop Command
  * 50 - D-2 Toggles Normal Tempo
  * 51 - D#2 Toggles 1/2 Tempo
  * 52 - E-2 Toggles 1/4 Tempo
  * 53 - F-2 Toggles 1/8 Tempo
* Mode 2 - LSDJ Keyboard Mode, MIDI note options on midi channel 16:
  * 36 - C-1 Mute Pu1 Off/On
  * 37 - C#1 Mute Pu2 Off/On
  * 38 - D-1 Mute Wav Off/On
  * 39 - D#1 Mute Noi Off/On
  * 40 - E-1 Livemode Cue Sequence
  * 41 - F-1 Livemode Cursor Up
  * 42 - F#1 Livemode Cursor Down
  * 43 - G-1 Livemode Cursor Left
  * 44 - G#1 Livemode Cursor Right
  * 45 - A-1 Table Up
  * 46 - A#1 Table Down
  * 47 - B-1 Cue Table
  * 48 - C-2 to C-8 Notes!
  * Prgram Change to select from instrument table
* Mode 3 - LSDJ Master sync - Send midi sync from LSDJ ... it will also send a note that corresponds to the pattern row where lsdj started playing.
* Mode 4 - Nanoloop sync - HAve nanoloop slave to a incoming midi clock.
* Mode 5 - mGB mode, for use with the full midi gameboy cart mGB, available here: http://code.google.com/p/arduinoboy

Really? It's because he didn't want to spend money on a plane ticket? Really? ... This gets filed under who cares. His thing, his rules.

ON another note, we all know internet voting turns into a popularity contest and doesn't necessarily reflect quality work.


(7 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

You are far more helpful than me. smile