herr_prof wrote:

Then how about soundcloud integration.

Not a bad idea- just how to integrate it all for seamlessness with the current library. Unless we removed our own all together.

xX 8 BIT CHAMPION Xx wrote:

people can use ucollective.org for storage?

Sure? Or any of the free services out there. Though I suspect ucollective will end up having the same issues when the data size is too large for cheap services- or when the cheaper services bottleneck.

Which leads me to another feature of limiting the usage: We can easily move the files to Amazon S3 or another replicated cloud service once we cut down the usage a bit. Which in turn will provide a faster world-wide solid upload/download service. 

Jellica wrote:

it would be nice to see an overhaul of the music section and i think it is a shame that more people dont use it.

Me too.

BlakePalmer wrote:

step 1. Sell chipmusic.org shirts (People would love to show their support)

step 2. Pay for more hard drive space

step 3. ????

step 4. PROFIT!!!

Unfortunately that also costs money and time to manage- which in the end may not be worth the effort- though it's a good idea. Right now we are utilizing "unlimited" space for file storage which is pretty cheap but I worry the hosting provider of that service might not appreciate it once they find out- we are running 2 separate server/services- The code and content is on a expensive service and the large file storage is on a cheap unlimited service. If we end up having to move the files to a actual server or cloud storage service the cost will be way way too high to maintain.

egr wrote:

Makes sense. The CMO shouldnt have to foot the bill for everybodys online music storage.  Theres plenty of other options availble now.

Yeah, and I personally would like us to be more of a showcase & feedback than a repository. Which would possibly include some changes to the presentation of songs here- but that's only my opinion.


Wait, people post music here?

Thanks for your input. tongue

Whoops, Sorry. Should be working now.

herr_prof wrote:

What about pro level accounts?

Isn't that what soundcloud is for?

We've been thinking about limiting the number of tracks per member on CMO to something like 3 to 5 songs as oppose to unlimited.

There are 2 reasons to this change:
1. First and foremost it is a expensive model to maintain- as the number of artists and number of tracks will always be increasing- which makes it expensive and difficult to keep backups.
2. More importantly- Quality over quantity: By limiting the number of songs per artist, it gives everyone a chance to put their best foot forward and only feature what they consider their best work. Greatly limiting the total number of songs on CMO which will give everyone a longer "Feature" time on the front page.

*If* this comes into action there will be a email warning sent out to all members who have more than X number of songs, and we'll give them a 1 month grace period to choose the songs they wish to keep on the site. After the month has past we'll launch a magic mathematical robot to decide which songs to keep if they are over their limit.

Thoughts? This is a open discussion and we welcome your opinion.


(17 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

I was going to replace the player here, as the one on wb also works without flash, ie: ios. It is mostly the same code base, but I kinda found my ajax hyjacking javascript a bit hacky at times.

Alpine wrote:

I'm just really damn fussy. It's quite easy to tell if someone is using samples or some app on their iPad. I don't know, it's just something about it never sounds quite right.

Maybe you are just picking out the things that do not sound right and missing the stuff that sounds fine. To me a lot of sample based plugins sound terrible (some synth edit stuff / toad / magical 8bit / etc) as well as DSP synthesis that utilize filtering algorithms for interpolation. There are ways around it, and some emulations or DSP based synths do a great job at it- But the terrible ones are also some of the more popular and give off a general distaste for the thing as a whole. Personally I just concentrate on what sounds good to me, and don't care where it's coming from. I use all the wares, both hard and soft. (ew.)


(16 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Everyone knows that the true mark of a pro is the gold connector. It makes everything sound so much more, golder.

Fakebit should not be a thing- because even the term chipmusic (more to the point in chiptune) has morphed into whatever is suitable at the given time- And to which bits are we referring to? The audio? (Gameboy: 4bit, Computer: any resolution really) or the processor (Gameboy: 8bit, classic Amiga:32bit)

Software, hardware, chip waveforms arp'd on tracker, sweet PWM sweeps from a C64, or nasty LFSR noise sweeps on a NES- it's about the sound and not the process, the music composition and not the tool.

The whole thing about hw vs sw reminds me of the old analog vs digital debates from a decade ago, or the vinyl vs cd arguments from 15 years ago, or in the 60's I heard some musicians preferred the sound of a physically destroyed speaker over a tube or transistor based circuit for adding distortion to their guitars. WHO KNEW


(2 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Chipmusic.org Mobile progress (note: not live yet- WIP)

Pages / CSS:
[x] - /homepage
[x] - /forums
[x] - /forums/search
[x] - /forums/forum - topics
[x] - /forums/topic threads page
[x] - /music list
[x] - /music item page
[x] - /music/upload
[x] - member portfolio & prefs & signup
[x] - misc / mod etc
[x] - messages (PM)
[x] - menu
[x] responsive tests
-- [x] home
-- [x] forum
-- [x] topic
-- [x] member area
-- [x] music
-- [x] music item
[x] rework snow theme (edit:still ugly)
[x] cleanup
[x] launch
- new music player to use html5
- ajax music player & requests


(15 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Oh yeah that too, such a good link.

The Silph Scope wrote:

I can compile just fine in Linux.
There's other OS's y'know ;P

Yes, I just have not verified Linux myself, so don't know how more or less stable it is. Good to hear.

jefftheworld wrote:

Yeah, it's extremely painless under Linux.  Why are people having trouble with OSX?

Cant compile gbdk source- SDCC has not supported GBZ since the 90s or something.


(180 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Note! wrote:

Cool. I'll give that a try. Don't really know how to fux with maxpats but now's as good a time as any! Delay.. that's what I was looking for. Thanks!

Yeah if anything, changing the settings in code itself - you'll probably also need to change the memory settings value that checks if the stored eeprom matches the config. Think its called version or something. Without changing that to something else too, arduinoboy wont reload the settings into eeprom. Which is probably what you were experiencing.


(15 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Which model of Gameboy?

For the classics- the GBDK is a good place to start, many examples etc. Check out http://gbdk.sourceforge.net/ ... You'll most likely need a windows machine for compiling, none of us have of yet been able to compile using OSX.

If you don't know anything about programming there is a bit to learn- For learning C I would get this book: http://www.amazon.com/C-Programming-Lan … 0131103628 ... but there are quite a few free resources around the web too.
Personally I would dive into C first, and Assembly later.

Then down the road go and look at the pandoc http://nocash.emubase.de/pandocs.htm and possibly http://www.retards.org/library/technolo … sound3.pdf to get a visual understanding of the gameboy sound registers and how they are used.