Hi all!

Just putting early feelers out to see if there would be much demand for a chiptune or circuit bending workshop in London? I run an Arcade Bar in Peckham (fourquartersbar.co.uk) and feel that such an event would lend itself perfectly to the space. I love chiptune and the DIY aspects surrounding it but am not the person to lead such an event! Just wanting to see if there would be any interest for it...

any ideas throw them over!



well if you are on chipmusic I think you will love the venue :-) Hope to see you there sometime. Cheers.


I thought you would all be interested to know that we have started a weekly retro gaming event at the Four Quarters Bar in Peckham. http://www.fourquartersbar.co.uk

In collaboration with Retro Game Base (http://www.retrogamebase.co.uk) we are running a weekly event every Tuesday....

A range of authentic, classic home video game consoles are set up in the upstairs area of the Four Quarters bar on Rye Lane. With a cosy, man-cave in the attic feel you will be in a nostalgic heaven when faced with the consoles of your childhood. NES, SNES, N64, Master System, Mega Drive, Dreamcast, Saturn, Atari 2600, Playstation 1 and Gamecube are all here to be played.

With a lack of a regular, sociable, retro gaming event Retro Game Base has taken on the task of running the Console Collective, a themed event, free to enter and play and designed to show off games across the consoles of yesteryear within a genre theme. Expect VS Fighter showcases, classic platformer showdowns, pixelated sports game marathons and intense racing grand prix’s. For the next events theme check out our Facebook event page here: https://www.facebook.com/fourquartersbar/events

With a focus on player selection of games for upcoming events via their Facebook events polls you can be sure to have an input on games that will be available to play at future events. Due to the collaboration with Retro Game Base many games across all the represented systems can be obtained so each Tuesday will be a new experience!

A pay-to-enter tournament will also be arranged each week for those with a competitive streak with bar tabs for the Four Quarters as well as Retro Game Base vouchers up for grabs.

What could be better to get over those mid-week blues than grabbing a cool craft beer from the bar and chatting and playing with like-minded nostalgia-filled gamers?

Whether you regularly play video games or haven’t picked up a controller in years (or maybe ever?!) the Console Collective is the perfect get together for retro lovers.

Location of Event: The Four Quarters Bar, 187 Rye Lane, Peckham, SE15 4TP
Date of Event: Starts on Tuesday 24th February and then each Tuesday following
Time of Event: Starts at 7pm, competition usually around 9pm.
Cost: FREE
Location of Retro Game Base: 430 Streatham High Road, London, SW16 3PX

i still have this problem on my c64c even though I also use easycap video capture device on xp pc. it is a PAL machine,

just pre-ordered one of these. great work.

it says I receive a digital rom once payment received, is this sent soon? I cant wait to try it out on my dmg.


e.s.c. wrote:

dropping an octave would be QF4, if i remember correctly... 2 would be QE8 ?

QF4 outputs a note but QE8 is silent, in fact all QE range is silent. Is it also normal (once using a table) that the gaps between notes sounds as though the sound is being re-triggered?

LazierGunz wrote:

The way I get around the C3 limit is by making an instrument that uses a table with the Q offset set to an octave or two down. This also frees up the command column on the chain screen.

ok, interesting. so if I assign say table 00 to the instrument i am using (also 00). What is then needed in the table, is it just something specific on the first line?

im not sure which q command is to drop an octave (or 2). My c64 can receive notes as low as C0 so entering a c3 note on lsdj and sending out a c0 note would be ideal....

thanks guys for all your input so far...

i have managed to get some sound out of the c64 now!

how do you send a note lower than C3? it seems the note option has a lowest value of C3 on LSDJ and the only way to get lower is playing with the Q command though then it is difficult to know which note you are playing....

Is it possible to sync amenizer via midi? Or any other means?

Anyone able to answer those last questions of mine please?


(32 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

i can not wait for this to arrive....

the arduino is now flashing in time with the gb notes now i have changed to Q commands. Struggling to get anything out the c64 though. what is the default midi channels for pu1 pu2 wav and noi?

Mrwimmer wrote:

Uhhh, gameboy definitely sends midi start/stop messages in midiout mode.  Your drum machine maybe doesn't accept midi start messages?

im not sure to be honest, maybe so. how exactly does that message work? i assume it simply sends one message saying start (play). is there documentation anywhere online concerning what commands are needed in lsdj for each feature? rather than keep on with the newb questions...


Mrwimmer wrote:

Make sure your arduinoboy is in midiout mode, and the command you're looking for is Q00 (which sends a midi note relative to the note played on the gameboy, whereas N is absolute midi note, with N00 being a midi note kill command)

Also, if you're gonna have a gameboy doing midiout, you're basically gonna have to have it be your master clock.

Thanks for the info. I have tried Q00 but no lights on the arduinoboy. Im guessing there should be flashes for the notes?

Using the gb as the master is not an issue but if it cant sync with my drum machine that is programmed on the machine itself then thats annoying. The only other way I dreamt up was modding the gb so the start button is connected to the foot pedal start input on my drum machine
If I set the drum machine and the gb to the same tempo then pressing play on the gb should also press play on the drum machine. However this is never going to be as well syncd as on a midi clock...

MaxDolensky wrote:

The commands you need are PAST Z, keep pressing right wink

thanks very much! So to play a C3 note out via midi do you just put c3 into the note of the phrase and an N 00 command? Or does it have to be a particular command number?

i have found out the note commands MSSIAH sequencer receives and it seems to be 24-107. I have tried putting a c3 note with an n command of various numbers between those specified and still have no joy. Though to add to that the arduinoboy has no lights on at all. Should the arduinoboy lights flash when it is sending out a midi signal?

thanks in advance guys, greatly appreciate the help :-)

herr_prof wrote:

Nope you can't.

ah damn thats a shame. so there is no way of keeping hardware that has its notes controlled by a gameboy sync'd on a midi clock with other hardware? or is there a way im not thinking of?

Thanks! Will try this when I get home from work. Excited to see the results. Do you know if you can simultaneously either send or receive and sync to a MIDI clock?