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273 May 28, 2010 9:38 am
Re: Wanted: Cheap (even broken) GBA SP (5 replies, posted in Trading Post)
274 May 28, 2010 5:53 am
Re: Midi gameboy, with built in Arduinoboy. (3 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
i built that one,
i also sell them, i have sold 8 now, i also sell kits and pre built external arduinoboys
how i did it? trash80 is the real legend here, i just used an arduino small enough to fit in the gameboy
275 May 26, 2010 4:42 pm
Re: For Sale: ArduinoBoys (106 replies, posted in Trading Post)
NeX wrote:i don't have a scienceguy8 arduino, but i have built one from Trash80's details and midi thru works fine. for example put the arduino into MGB mode, then chuck in a copy of MGB, the in socket on the arduino goes to a keyboard, the out goes on to another midi device and set the keyboard to channel 1 and start playing. the music will come out of the gameboy and the other midi device if set up properly.
in theory you could just add more midi sockets to the arduino and use the gameboy as a master clock or something like that,
Meknows how midi thru works, methinks the circuit diagram is possibly to blame, and im wondering if hardwiring off the 6n138 would work(thank you for the unnecessary spoonfeeding i suppose
it wasn't directed at anyone in particular, i have had a lot of people messaging me saying they are having trouble with their arduino so it was more of a general info thing.
if you wanted true, contsant midi thru then yea you could just wire the input socket to an output socket, its nothing more than power to make the led in the optocoupler flash so thats easy enough to do. if it was something like serial then thats not possible because in and out are in the same socket, but midi is great to work with because you have a socket for each direction.
276 May 26, 2010 3:10 pm
Re: For Sale: ArduinoBoys (106 replies, posted in Trading Post)
i don't have a scienceguy8 arduino, but i have built one from Trash80's details and midi thru works fine. for example put the arduino into MGB mode, then chuck in a copy of MGB, the in socket on the arduino goes to a keyboard, the out goes on to another midi device and set the keyboard to channel 1 and start playing. the music will come out of the gameboy and the other midi device if set up properly.
in theory you could just add more midi sockets to the arduino and use the gameboy as a master clock or something like that,
277 May 25, 2010 4:05 pm
Re: Wanted: Cheap (even broken) GBA SP (5 replies, posted in Trading Post)
would you be willing to give up the main board for a good cause? regarless of the condition?
278 May 22, 2010 5:32 pm
Re: Gameboy Advance SP pro sound (60 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
It has more basses than the dmg (like every gba). It's like it has a different EQ: a lot of basses, but less mids.
But these are the usual pro and cons using a dmg or a gba.It's great for his louder output that covers all the hum.
For my songs I used to record the PU channels from a gba and the WAV+NOI from a dmg.
Now it surelly will be better.I'm going to try to turn off the amp maybe next monday.
the way i lifted the legs on the amp is,
get a really sharp knife, like a scalple or razor blade. tuck the point of the blade under the leg where it is not attached to the board. so the leg comes out of the chip, down, and then attaches to the PCB, you want the blade behind where it goes down. then apply a little pressure as if you were to lever it up, whilst applying heat to the pin with the soldering iron, it should come off fairly easily.
279 May 22, 2010 3:10 pm
Re: Gameboy Advance SP pro sound (60 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
interesting, i wonder if it would be better or worse with the backlight as well.
did you get any distortion? or is it only louder? disabling the internal amp may make a difference (lifting the pins) because the amp is still on and connected to the audio lines meaning power and audio are mixing together. in my pro sound the amp is switched off which isolates it from the pro sound.
still great to hear from another point of view about it great work!
280 May 22, 2010 2:20 pm
Re: Gameboy Advance SP pro sound (60 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
so i can complete the mod without cutting those legs?
only if you don't care about having an internal speaker, or you don't care that it is on all the time
281 May 22, 2010 1:25 pm
Re: Gameboy Advance SP pro sound (60 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
the wire should be soldered to the leg of the chip. you could cut them both with a sharp knife and then solder to what is left, but i lifted them so they can be put back.
the only reason for lifting the pins and soldering to them is to mute the internal speaker when the jack is inserted. it should still work as a pro sound but you will have the internal speaker going at the same time. if you don't care then you could always rip the speaker out and not use it. but i like my internal speaker
282 May 22, 2010 11:35 am
Re: Gameboy Advance SP pro sound (60 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
283 May 22, 2010 11:21 am
Re: Gameboy Advance SP pro sound (60 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
NeX wrote:the drumkit i used on LSDJ,
SPs are known to have problems with sample playback, I would not take that output as a quality control. Maybe try nanoloop...
are they really? i didn't know that! that would explain it then because all the problems are on the wav channel.
284 May 22, 2010 9:54 am
Re: Gameboy Advance SP pro sound (60 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
I've got a broken GB Poket (for the jack output) and a GBA SP without backlit (used to mod a GBC).
I'm going to try this mod this afternoon.edit:
i need to know the soldering points.
awesome, pin outs are here:
285 May 22, 2010 9:24 am
Re: Gameboy Advance SP pro sound (60 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
ok i will double check what i have done, but like i said i am pretty sure there is the components needed to protect the CPU and i am pretty sure the sound is over all better than the original, no hissing or buzzing, its crystal clear, its just a slight distortion, which could actually just be the drumkit i used on LSDJ, because all the other channels sound fine.
and again, i want someone else to give it a try, report back, i only did this for fun, i need someone who really knows their stuff when it comes to sound quality to go over and check what i have done.
there is plenty of space to put a couple of SMD resistors and a capacitor on there too, in fact i did try a 100uf SMD electrolytic cap from true ground to audio ground, but this seemed to created more interferance. i really do think that when nintendo tried to make the SP so small, (in some ways its even smaller than the DS internal free space wise) that they had to loose some sound quality in the process, they are a big company producing cheap handhelds for kids, sound quality is not an issue for them.
286 May 21, 2010 10:03 pm
Re: Gameboy Advance SP pro sound (60 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
One other thing i'd recommend..
Just figure out the pinout on the output jack slot and do all your hardwiring internally and use the connector like normal.
That is of course if you can get the SP to sound better w/ modificaitons. if you can't... what's the point of doing the mod to begin with?
a well, the main reason was i have plans for those extra pins on the standard connector, a few more mods i want to try on the SP, plus everyone has a 3.5mm jack, but not everyone has the adapter, so at a show etc all you need is the SP which is why i added the socket,
i still belive this sound is better than the stock sound, but by how much and if its worth the effort....not sure, i only did it to see if it could be done. i don't make music good enough anyway lol
287 May 21, 2010 9:58 pm
Re: Gameboy Advance SP pro sound (60 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
OK.. I'm going to drop in and be mr. negative only because i've been down this road already and didn't bother with the mod because of it..
There's no room in this thing to mount the jack w/ the necessary components to make the output a safe one.
Taking directly off the IC like that isn't the ideal thing and it's far from "Pro Sound". It's leaving the chip vulnerable to the outside world.You need 2-3 things..
series R, R to ground and and output electrolytic cap.They might also help w/ your distortion issue.
Besides the fact that i dont like this mod being done to the SP... your jack installation is very clean and nice.
If you get creative with SMT parts you might get some better results with your audio signal.
I'd try to first reverse engineer the output circuit. And see what it looks like and see what could be done to reduce the noise.
I would think perhaps some extra filtering would help with the high frequency crap that usually comes off the output.
honest negative coments can be more productive than positive ones
there is two resistors between the audio lines and ground, the points that i took the pro sound from are after these two resistors, i did try directly from the CPU and it had more volume but caused distortion in the screen (and as you said left the CPU vunrable)
there is also a capacitor to ground on the audio ground (ironically the one i had to move to fit the jack) so the components are there, the sound distortion seems to purely be a problem with the CPU from the start, though when using normal carts over the USB carts (tested with tetris and the gameboy camera) the sound is a little bit better,
i think the built in array of noise filters is on the other side of the pre amp, which i chopped out of the loop, though if you plug it in to a decent mixer it should have filter options built in.
the SP is a pain in the ass to work with and in a way i don't like it, its a good unit as standard, and the ability to play all gameboy games and comes with a backlight is very useful, but maybe its guts would be better in a DMG for space, and that retro feel that we all love
anyway, still waiting on other opinions of the pro sound quality,
288 May 21, 2010 8:48 am
Re: super gameboy CPUs in DMGs vs normal gameboys (32 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
NeX wrote:Nope a biversion will make it even harder to see. the only real thing you could do is use a gameboy colour as their screens are awesome in the sun.
Yeah i've tried with GBCs (since they're even smaller), but for my little street-amp i really need the bB bust that i get on the prosounded dmg.
Yay. Thank you for the infos.
maybe you could try a front lit DMG? it wouldn't be as good as a backlit one in the dark, but it would be better in the daylight