(6 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

godinpants wrote:

Whenever you connect to the internet it phones home and if changes are found, it can be bricked remotely.

Not entirely. I unscrewed the bottom and fiddled with all sorts of shit.
That was a few weeks ago, and nobody has pulled me up about anything wink

Also, you're right, it is a DET-issued laptop I'm trying to run it on. +1 for observation!

So yeah, until I buy another laptop harddrive to wedge into this thing, I'll be using Skale. It looks fully featured and pretty usable in comparison to Craptracker tongue

I was hoping for some sorta executable JAR file to run it with, though. It runs extremely horribly in IE8 (don't blame me, blame the awesome Australian government!).

Perhaps I can contact the creator of Skale to compile a JAR version...?

Oh yeah, Sonant looks pretty sweet. However the generation time thingo is pretty god damn annoying.

Thanks a heap guys - I now have someone to blame when I flunk my School Certificate exam!

wedanced wrote:

aaaaaw yeah. you guys are pimp.


Until I get a job an money, I want a simple alternative to a KP's high and lowpass filter options.
So yeah, the stuff you guys have dug up has been extremely helpful! Thanks!


(6 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

In my efforts to try find a Java tracker to run on my netbook (which can't run EXEs, whoo), I came across this.


I haven't had enouh time to figure out how to use it, and it looks pretty basic.

I'm wondering if anybody has found a more full-featured Java-written alternative to the big tracker software available.


(35 replies, posted in Releases)

^ Perhaps he could set up a Paypal donation button?

I've been scouring the net for a diagram, tutorial or schematic on building adjustable knob- or pot-controlled lowpass and highpass filters toincorporate into a current circuit/setup of mine

I've seen schematics on building simple unadjustable circuits, but I'm having some trouble figuring out how to include a potentiometer to control the cutoff frequency of the filter.

What I'm looking at having in the circuit, basically, is an audio input (1/8", 1/4", RCA, whatever goes), have that pass through the filter circuit in which the cutoff frequency is controlled by a potentiometer, then have the filtered audio put out via another audio jack.

I'm not too good with electronic theory - I've never taken any courses or classes, or taught myself much - but I'm pretty decent at building the circuit given a schematic or diagram. Give me something fairly above beginner's work, explain a few bits, and I should be able to pull through.
I have a pretty adept knowledge of how low and highpass filters work too (that's a given, really), so I'm not totally in the dark.

Sorry if I sound like I wanna be spoonfed or anything. I'm just at my wit's end here.

EDIT: This isn't particularly for a console, so having it built-in or purpose built for a particular console isn't my aim or desire.


(7 replies, posted in General Discussion)

dude its a micro its rare and stuff its worth at least 200,0

nickmaynard wrote:

is $25 really too high a price to pay to have someone mod a gameboy? honestly, $25 for someone to add a back light and a pro-sound mod seems really reasonable.

Agreed. I got my DMG modded for $30 AUD (backlight, prosound, screen cover, return postage).

$200 is absolutely ridiculous!


(53 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Alright, tomorrow I've got IT, in which me and a few mates are rebuilding some old XP machines.
I'll have ago at compiling a fullscreen image ROM or two on these machines and report back.


(211 replies, posted in Trading Post)

SurfaceDragon wrote:

This one works out really well!

^ Makes total sense.

Now, find out why my XBOX controller was working without being connected to the console tongue


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

KODEK wrote:

i had same problem
cart definetly iz defective , i bought it from djtransformer and he replaced it for me wiz no prob : O

Really, awesome!!! I'll have to get on to Transformer and tell him about the cart.


(5 replies, posted in Releases)

Approval from godinpants and Abortifacient just made my day :')

I also just found a jackpot of similar project files on my external hdd.
Vol. 2, anyone?


(129 replies, posted in General Discussion)

hay fuk all u haterz dub is fithy n awesum n HEAVY AS FUCK
its th way foward and nobudy can stopp it.


(53 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

budmelvin wrote:

If you were able to run PCX2GB as far as seeing an image on the screen, you have to hit Enter a few times to get it to do it's thing.

I didn't see an image.

I ran the command in both regular and elevated command prompts, pressed enter.

As soon as I ran the command, two dialogs popped up saying that "this system doesn't support fullscreen".

So yeah.


(53 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I've left it for almost two hours and nothing happened


(53 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Well, I tried running PCX2GB on Windows 7, and I get an error about how the program can't go fullscreen, and then it hangs.
Do I just leave it to hang? Or do I need XP (which supports full-screen command prompts afaik)?