(9 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Alright, so my 64M Smart Card doesn't work on Windows 7, which really sucks because all my other computers are dead, and installing XP or a virtual machine on my current compy isn't an option.

Basically, if anyone out there is crazy enough to trade an EMS 64M Smart Card for any other kind of cart that works on Windows 7 (32bit), then I'm the guy to talk to.
I'm easy for any sort of cart. USB would be nice, as I don't have a transferrer. If you're nice enough to bundle in a transferrer, then that'd be cool with me.

The cart has some scratches on the back from being constantly swapped in and out of my DMG (expected on any cart, really), has no sticker on the back where the "64M SMART CARD" logo was, and has a basically full-charged battery - I've only had this cart since this March.

I wanna ask one thing in return.
If you do the trade, I would like you to rip the SAV and the ROMs and email them to me. I would rip them before shipping, but... Y'know.

Email me at [email protected] if you prefer email communication.


(155 replies, posted in General Discussion)

wedanced wrote:

For real tho.... it is a shame that so many people just get stuck on the idea of composing on a gameboy. there is so much more out there.

The Gameboy is one of the more widely publicised chip creation solutions. It, along with the NES, are essentially the mascots of the chipmusic world to most. And as a result, most new chiptuners start out with a GB setup because it's cheap, portable and simple. Also, LSDJ offers a cheap and simple way to get into tracking - it's quite user-friendly and powerful, and can open the doors to learning about more advanced trackers like ProTracker or Klystrack.

As much as it sucks, I know for a fact that I'd rather carry around a GB with Carillon and LSDJ than an Amiga with ProTracker or AHX.

Most of the newbies stay with the GB because they've grown used to it or perhaps found it really fun. Maybe it's due to price? (it cost me $100 for LSDJ, a cart, a DMG and mods).

It's pretty sad though to see them not really care about the more powerful platforms, though. Maybe this is because they still see the NES and GB as the flagship chipmusic platforms.
This was true with me until I heard cTrix's live set at Blip on the Amiga 500. Until then I really didn't know how powerful or sexy the soundchips in the old Commodores and Amigas sounded.

In the long run, I think most of it is due to price and portability. A DMG can be carried anywhere in your pocket, weighs just over 200 grams (without batteries), and is easy to pick up and start jamming on. My setup cost me $100 AUD
An Amiga needs a fair it of configuration to get working, is pretty daunting to start up, and takes a fair bit to carry around and needs mains power. This dude said an Amiga 2000 is worth upwards of about $100 (I heard all you need is a 500 tho).


Subway Sonicbeat wrote:

That's the weirdest part, i couldn't do it manually. Vista is so fucked up that when I tried to manually install it said it didn't had any valid 32bits drivers there.

The same is happening for me, except I'm running Windows 7 32bit, and it shows up as an unrecognised device in the Device Manager.
That thread you and nickmaynard linked to aren't of much help at all. 7 still says it can't find any drivers for the device or whatever
Right now I'm looking at trading with someone for a Bleepbloop cart. But if anyone finds a solution, gimme a holler.


(155 replies, posted in General Discussion)

irrlichtproject wrote:

the reason i started to do chip is because i prefer to work with a strictly limited set of sounds. if i have unlimited sound capabilities, i just get stuck fiddling around with the sounds and i never finish anything.

Exactly. Limitations are what makes chipmusic fun.


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

@Subway 8bc's back up. Could you link me to what you were talking about before?


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Subway Sonicbeat wrote:

Shit, I would ink you to 8bc, I had some issues with that too. There are some stuff you need to do, try reading the Win7 manual that came with your cart.

I'm a male. You shuold know by now that no human man ever reads manuals.

Haha, I kid, I'll have a look at it. I just hope it doesn't tell me to do what I've already done.

Also, where exactly did you DL your drivers from, Subway? I got mine from kitsch's smart cart purchase page, and I know that there are a couple of sites that offer a copy of the drivers.


(155 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Since LSDJ I've been an newbie to trackers, and I'm slowly working my way up to the more advanced tracker options.
Right now, non of the easier trackers that I use have module exports, and frankly I don't need it.

So long as I have fun making the music, I don't care whether it's in WAV, MP3 or MOD.
But if the option's there, why not? Modules are significantly smaller in size than traditional audio files.


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I really need a solution :<


(39 replies, posted in General Discussion)

That moment when you wreck your GB by spitting cola all over it after finding out your 13yr old sister has been writing yaoi and yuri fanfic


(39 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I was being ironic


(76 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Does anybody have any invites left?


(39 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Rouwe wrote:

That moment when you realize you can make chipmusic with more than just a Gameboy. wink

I call bullshit.
A DMG plugged into the Line In port on your laptop is all you need


(22 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

Can someone port Nanoloop to my model of phone?


(39 replies, posted in General Discussion)

That moment when you play some chip to classmates and they start exclaiming that it sounds like Pokemon, Mario or Tetris music.


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I desperately need to back up my SAVs rght now, and I can't do it, seeing as the drivers for the 64M Smart Card don't work on Windows 7.

Right now I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium on a 32bit platform. It's legit and activated.
I've followed the steps shown in the manual, but to no avail.
I've booted in Test driver signing Mode, but that didn't work.

Apparently I'm one of a small handful withthis problem. Plenty of others claim to have it working on 32bit Windows 7 machines.

I can't use a virtual machine, as the host hasn't got enough resources to handle a VM.
I can't install XP, as it's a family computer with a fair bit of important stuff that can't be backed up at this point in time (inb4 invest in an external hdd).

I'm sorry if I'm too vague or general. I desperately need the 64m cart drivers to install on Windows 7 sad


(31 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

nkogliaz wrote:

When using the ems64 usb carts on battery power (or on ac power if the cable slips out), there's a 9/10 chance the memory block you are writing your song in will be corrupted if you lose power while tracking

00 39 00 39
00 39 00 39
00 39 00 39
00 39 00 39
00 39 00 39
00 39 00 39

I've heard that backlights don't drain that much extra battery in comparison to a stock-standard GB.
As for which batteries I use, I barely use them.
I have a homebuilt AC Adapter at hand when I'm in music class or at home, a USB power cable I built myself for hooking up to my laptop, and one set of AAs for when I'm on the road or out of the vicinity of a USB port or mains power.

I've used the same set of AAs since May this year, and they're still kicking. I've probably only used them for a total of five hours.