Shadow-bit Y U do dis


(304 replies, posted in Trading Post)

The little boards look really cool. did you use the lowest resistance value on the ground of the rgb and then the additive resistance on the other legs? I see 4 resistors instead of 3.


(304 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Should be in parallel, series would drop voltage

Was not trying to correct you again, was just saying its a common misconception. it was basically like all nes games that had high scores. Only there until you stop playing

I have had to explain to countless people that tetris does not save. "collectors" especially hate to hear they are wrong as well as store owners.

If you do not have the bit to open games or the spare battery with tabs and soldering skills. I recommend just trying to find one with a working battery

... Didn't we all try to answer this before?


(5 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

The led only lights up when the computer has selected the second bank. same as when in gameboy. the software is pretty hard to install. What OS do you have?

Lavar wrote:
12ianma wrote:

Go with inverted backlight. it will bump up the resolution very much. The chip to complete a bivert is worth it as well, but I do not recommend that unless you are used to such small soldering.

Thanks, I'll keep that in mind! Probably just going to install an inverted backlight and set LSDJ to inverted, and maybe when I'm a bit more experienced install a biversion chip.

If you are using the unit for lsdj there is no point to use a chip, the software can invert the color anyway. plus to be honest the inverted colors look great on the colored backlights, as the the black text and such which is now "white" becomes the color of the backlight.

What color backlight do you intend to put in the unit

Go with inverted backlight. it will bump up the resolution very much. The chip to complete a bivert is worth it as well, but I do not recommend that unless you are used to such small soldering.

Probably some smuggling thing

Where are your ground and 2 audio lines coming from to the RCAs

I feel as if it will be a waste of time, and ruin the value of the unit

It won't really minimize the noise. it will only minimize the amplifier noise. not the backlight noise.


(5 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

yeah sometimes it will come off sometimes it fights you. if you have hot air station you can desloder the bottom ribbon cable and that makes it a lot easier


(5 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Backlighting pocket screens blows. it's a skill you have to have a bold ambition to acquire

danimal cannon wrote:

I think I have to give up and buy shitty EMS carts. 

My Bleep Bloop II's work GREAT but they're getting really beat up, I get scared everytime I dump/upload them.  I tried to hold out until these came out, but I need something new.

What is beat up about them?