I have an emerger. don't really want to donate it, but it could get the Rom.


(0 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Made me one of these sexy beasts, did the dirty with my bleepbloop. I added a switch to toggle between mono and stereo. my only question is why does my audio out seem so quiet, I have to amplify it so much more than out of my prosound DMG. Obviously no volume adjust this way, but is it supposed to be so much more quiet or did using wrap wire kill my signal.

Interested in the arduino boy. will it work with lsdj? I'm confused. could you please send me more info.

The poles are backwards from standard plugs. email me with any other questions bout it ([email protected])


(4 replies, posted in Trading Post)

Bump need a BB programmer or USB cart

They are only 20$ shipped on eBay!

These screens only cost 20$ off of eBay. You may want to try one first, if you buy one and don't like it I'll pay 20$ for it.

Could you send a rom? I could throw it on an emulator and tell you from there. I don't have a powerpak but it'd be easy to tell from te emu. My email is [email protected] ... As for price it'd be a lot cheaper if you provided the NES, but I'd imagine it'd be around 90$ shipped. you provide the nes it'd be like 45$

Making if you want one. pretty easy to read on them. They have 900 by 500 or something resolution. What are you playing on the nes. I have not been pleased withthe yobo version as I like the actual NeS better

This thread was a few down:
http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/4683/ … ntegrated/
or do you want bigger?

Would anybody want pre inverted pcbs or ready to be backlit pocket screens (with films peeled off)

Bump... any offers? Would sell without cart just thought it was a good deal. Please make offers I need moneys so it may go very low

Here's some pics:
(pocket printer is VERY nice and comes with box/manual/cardboard insert)
This is the biverted screen in red DMG case (clear now)

Bump stuff added


(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Saskrotch wrote:

okay, but what would the point be of making this game compatible with R.O.B.? there was a reason nintendo quit after making 2 games for it.

For fun mr buzzkill lol


(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Very true:( wish I had the knowledge to code it myself. but I don't know assembly code very well.