(52 replies, posted in General Discussion)

This would be far easier if it was favorite of a decade, favorite of a style, favorite music in a video game.

I can't do this without making a gigantic incoherent list.


(4 replies, posted in Releases)

Lazerbeat wrote:

Is this new stuff from Elwood as in "Deadlock" Elwood?!

Yes, visit his page and scroll down.


This is explanation, not apology, that I think some of the oldbies got so used to how precise you must be to get FT2 and other older trackers to sound that good, that when you apply that precision to a virtual or even actual analog hardware synth, you end up with something that one might say is sterile.


(4 replies, posted in Releases)

This came out about a month ago, but I'm disappointed that I haven't heard more people talking about it.


Though I could have missed it because of a busy December.


(55 replies, posted in General Discussion)

4mat wrote:



(55 replies, posted in General Discussion)

This year started with ZanZan's "don't release everything" and "your foot is on its coffin" rants, which I respect in the sense that taking moments off to refine are okay.

Of the things I did this year, the sound I want to carry into 2014 will mainly sound like http://soundcloud.com/chunter/you-said-and-smiled

The project I'm most proud of for the year is http://soundcloud.com/chunter/feel-sunshine though my song wasn't the best one on it and it isn't a chipmusic compilation.

I have two, possibly three projects (with releases) planned for 2014, and a possible, er... personal life event. We'll see.


(40 replies, posted in General Discussion)


Just sounds like virt with a Miku vocal to me... wink but I think that was the OP's idea.


(66 replies, posted in General Discussion)

8-bit is Sega's fault.

In the 80s they weren't called 8-bit consoles or 8-bit computers, they were video game machines or home computers, respectively.

When Genesis/Megadrive was launched, Sega marketing put so much emphasis on the 16-bit CPU doing "what Nintendont" that from then on the question "How many bits is it?" was annoyingly asked to all sales people about every video game console thereafter even when the person asked or the person asking had no idea what that means. I really hope people don't ask that question about XBone and PS4.

Does 8bit Betty use Vocaloid, or is it an autotuned speech synth? (which sometimes gets better results, see many of m0d's gag songs)

In the process of discovering if something like Vocaloid is for me or not, I've since learned many ways you can chop up human or synthesized speech into singing, and...  shhhh....  from the point of view of a synth programmer, I actually find that Vocaloid is a bit weak, but it's easier to start on Vocaloid than AquesTone or UTAU. If you're worried about money, I suggest playing with a Vocaloid trial to see if you like doing it enough to spend money. I did quite a few things with the technique that became "Renoid" before it was given a name, and let's not forget vocoders and talk boxes...

Silph, that Christmas song is nice enough for a NND video if you feel inclined to make one,...  maybe for next year wink Beware that Miku sings flat (as in pitch just a little too low) at default settings.


(42 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Also, one-hour compo.


(66 replies, posted in General Discussion)

The trend is validation: have you noticed a lot of thread titles say "Does anybody else...." and can easily be answered "yes" without further elaboration?

I don't mean to make fun of or indict anyone by saying that, I hope you'll all feel comfortable that what you're doing is normal, acceptable, good enough, and otherwise a part of what we do.


(18 replies, posted in Releases)

Sounds like a single coherent piece, I'm particularly fond of the breath noises in "city."

Alpine wrote:

I would like to see someone do something like this though, it has been an idea that I've had for a while, but never acted on.

Do you mean DMG or fake + vocal or something else?

If you mean YMCK if Miku was singing, start with http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm22409251
or anything with this tag: http://www.nicovideo.jp/tag/chiptune%C3 … 3%E3%82%AF

Jazzmarazz wrote:

I can't believe others listen to this shit too. I thought I was crazy.

There are so many similarities between the two scenes that I'm surprised there aren't more attempts to cross them, especially now that most of the software and techniques are well-documented.

Without turning this into the final chipmusic existentialist thread of the year, there's a lot of the stuff out there depending on what sort of sound or song you are looking for. A lot of the "P's" will use electronic blips as part of their styles but not necessarily make it the whole song. If you're looking for covers, like a Gameboy version of Melt, they're out there.

If you want Miku singing over a NES or Gameboy, or any number of Vocaloid or UTAU characters "singing" the blips and videogame VGMs, that's all out there too. Though the best thing this scene and that one is, if you want to make stuff like that on your own time and gear, you can.

There is another part of your question that I wonder about, "Do you think about how [another] song can go with your song when you are writing?" Yes, because that's how you learn to take another person's idea and make it work in your more personal context.


(29 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Usually a pushbutton like that is a homebrew hard reset. In your place I'd buy another C64 breadbox and keep the one you have for spare ICs. Make sure you have at least one proper copy of the manual because it has a schematic diagram in the middle that will tell you what the different ICs are for. I made two working specimens from four computers in that way. Good luck!