(15 replies, posted in Releases)

Is that one of those floppy-vinyl records that plays twice and then sounds like cottonballs thereafter?

bitjacker wrote:

I thought the guilty party pays all of the fees?

If the person is too broke to pay the damages you won't get the money, and there will still be people who want to be paid.

Just make a point to remember who these people are so that when the next person comes around, finds all this music, and thinks it'd be easy to retag MP3s and post them, or mime playing an instrument to someone else's song, all these negative examples will be around saying that maybe it's not worth the trouble.

Reading Jeremy Lim's story makes me wonder if maybe a Ukrainian fan could've helped him get signed to a label and become his manager, if people's intentions had been just a little bit different.

It's been a while, hasn't it?


(22 replies, posted in General Discussion)

kitsch wrote:

ONE THING I SHOULD MENTION ABOUT DREAMHOST!  they very explicitly do not allow server space to be used simply for storage (like a personal dropbox).  if you have a folder full of music which isn't utilized in your website, just on the server, they can/will remove it.  i'm not sure if this is the same elsewhere, but dreamhost i know is on the lookout for this sort of thing

That's what archive.org and such can be for, if you expect some permanence, or just get a dropbox account for temporary stuff if you haven't already.

When I read "feels" I picture a dirty old man on a crowded train squeezing that person's crotch. REMEMBER THIS EVERY TIME FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER

I already shared my thoughts on FM, which was like telling the pasta convention I don't like baked ziti; my thoughts on hot dogs are similar. You could have brats or polish links or italian sausage on a bun, why settle for a hot dog?


(34 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

Gate/Hush might be closer to what you want in tone, there already is a LP filter in the device... wink

bump with best lyrics ever

That doesn't make the passport and ticket less expensive, but thanks for the video all the same.


(29 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Because I'm feeling some guilty conscience for having killed the OP, from the best of my awful just-home-from-work memory, to me it read as an essay saying "this is chipmusic, with my opinion interjected a little," so I reacted very quickly, because I felt like it was too much like past "What is chipmusic?" threads. Hurt feelings don't seem to be indicated but weren't intended either.


(29 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Earth, wind, fire, water, and metal.


(29 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Artists who have the whole of recorded sound and choose blips anyway, until they move on to something else.


(29 replies, posted in General Discussion)

http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/3988/ … read-this/

kitsch wrote:

(if mr. wizwars sees this post first...)

check your facebook messages!  just sent you something re: this

Bump to make sure the real content isn't lost among the noise.


1.) Out of famitracker do you guys split the wav's into separate wav's for each channel, or keep it as one wav file out?

It depends on the context of how I'm going to process it and whether or not I want the result to end up in stereo.

2.) What sort of EQ and processing (if any) do you put on the tracks?

Depends on context, usually compression to make the attacks articulate. Sometimes light reverb or delay to give the impression that something is playing inside a room.

3.) Any tips for EQing triangle / sawtooth?

Also depends on context, but, as little as possible. Maybe roll lows off if there are issues at that end.

I think there was a thread about this already.


(52 replies, posted in General Discussion)

You can spend your next 10,000 free hours developing a new genre in any way you like, but you'll soon discover, if you haven't already:

FM sounds thin and brittle, so it's hard to make good leads, especially...

...when you're using pulse waves in the background, which will naturally overpower that lead harmonically.

I think you'd have an easier time saying "I want to bring smooth breaks back." The world will pick a better name for your style, if you don't. Good luck.