I've done a little too much of the "yuck" at somebody else's "yum" thing this year, so I'll keep this short.
The only games in the series I looked forward to were Red/Blue. I am disappointed that the game did not "grow up" with its generation; it's still the same four-moves limit with the same paper-rock-scissors-lizard-Spock strategies and the solo game is too easy for anyone with higher than third grade reading comprehension. If the elite four of X/Y should already be beaten by anyone over 13 who bought it early yesterday or overnight with the thought of playing it all day.
It's still a good concept at its roots; the Mystery Dungeon conversions can be surprisingly difficult games by contrast if you haven't tried one yet. There's more I could criticize but the point is made. If you're enjoying your X/Y you're probably not reading this.