(86 replies, posted in Releases)

herr_prof wrote:

You should edit the first post with the latest release.. I had no idea this was a release thread until now!

I'd prefer one per album to be able to put attaboys on each and avoid having the thread reach hundreds of pages someday... Just 0.02


(26 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Bump because results are up. Thanks to all participants.


I agree with SuperBusty. The best thing you can do is develop a tone/character, some simulation of the sound of a band. The second best is to give your songs more of a feel of "verses" and "choruses" and such, but if you get your own "sound" the rest of songwriting will come as you play and practice.

That's a tricky thing: if a person is going to work at something for 6 years or more I assume that person must get some kind of enjoyment out of it, though things can change and circumstances can cause a person to habitually grind at things that aren't fun. There is only one person who knows when that is the case.


(13 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

I think the problem, if there is one, is that he is occasionally playing notes that don't go with the "chord" of the arp, which as k says, is not a crime, but to my extremely trained ear and from the OP's intro it suggests that he's dicking around and keeping what works, which is also not a crime; in fact it's how one learns.

I think it's actually pretty good, I hear tons of potential. I hear dynamics, which a lot of people don't experiment with when starting.

Even if you don't learn the chords themselves, try to at least learn their functions even if it's just by your own feel.

I don't call that ending well but I really don't know a way for a moment like that to end happy.

I'm not feeling bile as much as I am sad that minds have closed.

If the matter is eliminating bad ideas, remember that you are free to revise and should rewrite often. My preferred way to compose is to spew lots of ideas out, tossing on old rejected ones too, then chiseling off (deleting) the bad until I'm happy with what remains. I try to keep at least three ideas to call it a full piece, and that's that really.

Practice indeed, and don't worry if it doesn't come out right for years on end, that's part of why composers like to compose.

All of the classes I ever had regarding teaching composing assumed that you can already create a melody or rhythm on demand. Is that where you are stuck?

Happy to see these guys getting some attention.

IndigoChild wrote:

Is that even legal to ask for a credit card like that?

Sure it is, if you're uncomfortable with it, you just don't use the service...  I think there are better ways to accomplish the same thing, however.

Where in Massachusetts? There are more than a few you may have already heard of...


(162 replies, posted in General Discussion)

The best way I saw it explained is, if you literally kill someone then you are a murderer. Um... Literally.


(8 replies, posted in Releases)

Bumping with comments: there are some really nice doubling/phasing tricks that happen throughout all four songs that create a lush stereo spread that can be felt as front to back as well as side to side. Drums are subtle, tempos moderate, the mood soft and relaxing. Great job on this. Looking forward to more.

Regarding earplugs, exactly. I never travel without them.

I have dulled hearing in the ranges where guitar amps feed back and where cymbals crash from being near both too much. There's nothing wrong with asking a doctor for help too.

The only time I was afraid I may lose my hearing, I'd gone to see these indie bands play, the first made hellish feedback from an electric autoharp. I thought the PA sucked all night only to discover my hearing had muffled and didn't return to normal for three weeks. During that time, I experienced a hypersensitivity to low frequency transients, a symptom related to the strain that causes tinnitus.

Moral is, turn your shit down.

Oh, I was thinking more like the deaf lady in Heroes.