(161 replies, posted in General Discussion)

If Bright Primate don't want to host a con, maybe one can be grafted into @party, or if people like the idea about having it in a remote vacationing destination with dubious airport access I can start asking the hotels down here... PM if interested.


(161 replies, posted in General Discussion)

e.s.c. wrote:
thebitman wrote:

http://chipmusic.org/forums/topic/1088/ … -canceled/

nevar 4get

EDIT: there is some serious irony and correlation between these two threads, now that I think about it

so  my advice for anyone wanting to help the chip scene at this point is to make that lineup from chip-con actually happen

Doesn't even need the same lineup. I suggest either grafting it into the Kentucky event, or creating a new, demoscene-like event, organized and run by Bright Primate.


(161 replies, posted in General Discussion)


we could call it, i dont know, chip-convention. or something like that. just a thought.

We have one, it's called the Blip Festival... Oh sh-

The other suggestion if OP had the skills is to found an agency such as 2PP. They will have figures by country if anyone does, btw...

The main flaw in the OP (besides being out for money) is the statement "failure is not an option." If failure is not an option, you are not ready for business because failure is a necessity and happens often when you are in business for yourself.


(161 replies, posted in General Discussion)

In electronic music, you hear about musicians who experiment from nothing more often than you hear about apprenticeship, (though that certainly happens, too.)

How you can facilitate that depends on your skills and resources.


(161 replies, posted in General Discussion)

What do you expect to be able to sell that doesn't already have a good marketplace? Are you worried that you won't be able to fulfill the expectations of your customers if there are too many?

Do you want to make money or grow the audience? I have suggestions, but they depend on what you can do.


(26 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

djmaximum wrote:

What do I do now?

Above it there should be some writing in red, such as:

FamiCompo Mini 10 wrote:

許可しない拡張子のファイルです。Unacceptable extension.

What does that say for you?


(26 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

Paste the Japanese into a reply if you're still having trouble, and be aware that "Thanks, your submission is accepted" looks similar. wink

An email is sent to you confirming your entry.


(25 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

4mat wrote:

MSSIAH/SynthCart etc are never going to sound as good as a dedicated demoscene tracker. (or GoatTracker)  Those guys know the chips inside and out... *snip* in every other case the cutting edge for SID work comes from the demoscene, not anywhere else.    SDI/JCH/SidWizard/John Player, even the old ones like Music Assembler sound 2000% better than the cart devices.

This. It sounds like you've already learned/discovered that trackers are a different instrument and it takes serious dedication to learn to play. It is possible to learn to approximate what people do with the SID using synths and such, but the difference isn't in having the real hardware: it's knowing exactly what to do programming-wise to get the SID to make those sounds.

Once you know how it's done, you can make a synth of your choice approximate them (though it will sound like just that, an approximation.)

In fact, once you understand any chip hardware intimately enough, you can dupe the tones on any synth, but you have to reach that understanding first. Without that understanding, even a MSSIAH will go beep and sound unremarkable.


(25 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

If you can find one there's http://www.elektron.se/products/sidstation


(95 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

If you're doing it right, you are using the straight sound and mixing and mastering.

I'm surprised I don't know more people who experiment with amps, speakers, and mics, but it's not cheap...

Replace with "why this bulletin board is dead" thread links.

I'm not exactly hopping in my car to drive from the east coast but you may want to provide more than a couple days' notice to drive an audience to a gig.

There's a gear thread, you know.

What's sad is that they're pulling it down because they think it's the Wham! track, not because it's an unauthorized cover.

stargazer wrote:

I did. Maybe I was listening to a different song on accident. It didn't sound anything like love will tear us apart. I was super confused....help?

It starts around 2 minutes I think.

There are a few worthy risks on here but there is better stuff in the rest of the label.

Yet another LSDJ primer.