(58 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Piano lessons from age 7 or so, brass instruments starting with and focusing on trumpet through high school, a little vocal training in college, self-taught everything else.

(I think I answered that in the late 8bc.)

In the OP, point three is strongest. If you're not going to meet people there is literally no reason to play out.

I've noticed slowness relating to the quality of the stream, though what really keeps me from surfing Bandcamp for music is lack of a volume control.

xylo wrote:

You can bring certain parts with interesting build-ups or bridge-ish parts.

Failing to deliver an expected section is a great tension builder too.

Search for chiptunes = win (a compilation) and press lurk more.

Either of you please message me and name parts. I prefer that to trying to ship a breadbox.

Give the guy who made the MIDI file some attribution.


(84 replies, posted in General Discussion)

In the 50s and 60s, singles were the thing and LPs were uncommon- they didn't become a "you should listen to the whole thing" format in rock and jazz until the late 60s. You are somewhat correct in saying the 12" dance single is a younger concept, but that dates back to disco (70s.)


(16 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

The Laohu wrote:

Couldn't you just play some sweet chipmusic off your iPod inbetween your original music?

This. In truth, your set is what you want it to be.

I usually have to move on to doing something else before looping becomes a choice...

I suggest checking out minusbaby and Smiletron....


(73 replies, posted in General Discussion)

The reason Instagram can have such PITA terms is because it was built into their terms to begin with. I recall seeing a "we reserve the right to use any photo for promotion of our service" when I first signed on. After a while I also realized that they don't do anything I can't do just as easily with any other picture service since the only "feature" I was using was automatic square cropping, so now my crops can be any shape I please.

Soundcloud limiting downloads without a subscription is news to me, but I've had a subscription for about nine months now, mainly to have the extra space and not need to delete things or make an extra account. I don't mind the extra stats but the only ones I really look at are the geographics.


(84 replies, posted in General Discussion)

If anything, the "purpose" is what keeps a song from being yet another song.


(84 replies, posted in General Discussion)

What Danimal said and what Solarbear said.

4mat is pretty consistent with release length, though a part of me really likes the way ant1's releases felt, it made them easy to listen to.

Was wondering when this would post since it blew up my Twitter timeline all day.

Re: tension/release, yes, there is music that is interesting but deliberately lacking"plot contour," but it takes hard work (and innovative timbre) to do that well, then the pieces that don't go anywhere alone are put into a set which has tension and release of its own.

The best advice is to keep practicing and don't be discouraged if it takes a while to feel good about the results.

You can always return to piece later with freshened ears. Also, even drum-only tracks can have a feel of beginning, middle, and end, so why not try working on that as an experiment?