New Albany Indiana

I don't know if any one else just browses the releases on band camp, but if you do you notice that you cant go any where on there with out running into some forum of chip music. There are 5650 registered members on this site, i think its safe to say 400 are active and there are new releases every week. And many artist from other countries don't use this site. And every artist owns a band camp page. For a very small and unotice genre i think were doing pretty good big_smile

Just wanted to share this with you guys, just some moral boosting. :3


BandCamp is fantastic for chip music and chip artists. It's a great site in general.


it's a homogenizing cloud which only looks good when compared to the ignoble shit that is a record label, and holds the promise of going evil in the future

Lexington, KY
extreme zan-zan-zawa-veia wrote:

it's a homogenizing cloud which only looks good when compared to the ignoble shit that is a record label, and holds the promise of going evil in the future

Zan-zan being Zan-zan.


bandcamp . . . more like blandcamp. okay nah bandcamp is fine.

Nottingham, UK
extreme zan-zan-zawa-veia wrote:

it's a homogenizing cloud which only looks good when compared to the ignoble shit that is a record label, and holds the promise of going evil in the future

I'm gonna go buy your album through bandcamp.

Last edited by ForaBrokenEarth (Jan 6, 2013 5:38 pm)

Nomad's Land
extreme zan-zan-zawa-veia wrote:

... and holds the promise of going evil in the future

it's already pretty bad - no respect for user's privacy whatsover, and offering paypal as the only choice for the money part.
sadly, there aren't any viable alternatives at the moment.


Bandcamp offered a service that looked to grow into something flexible and viable for all users. It has failed dismally at that. Since I started using the site, I've found it nothing but troubling - from the inability to arrange albums other than 'by release date', the insistance of PayPal only, and the lack of user support.

Not only that, but the 'free downloads' function is a fucking joke. In order for me to download my own fucking album from the site, I need to buy tokens. Wtf. It's my album you cunts. Give me my fucking album, howsabout?

PS - Bandcamp is the best of a bad bunch. It goes downhill like Myspace, or like YouTube has started, it can fuck off.


If you are worried about irgoing evil, just use a custom domain so you can easily switch vendors when it does.


It's good for what I want it to do. So far no one has complained about not being able to buy my stuff for a lack of PayPal (people simply don't buy my stuff. Save for the very few who have, thanks a heavy lot). So far I haven't needed any fancy thing other than a venue to publish, and it is.

As for user privacy... What kind of user privacy faults does it have? Can't see any from my side of the fence.

Brunswick, GA USA

They've improved, I had to go all the way to page 6 of the best-sellers before finding Zelda Step and a brony album.

There is plenty to be improved in bandcamp, though I'm indifferent regarding most of it. All I really get out of them is an embedded player.

Chicago IL, USA
Edward Shallow wrote:

I've found it nothing but troubling - from the inability to arrange albums other than 'by release date'

go to the "edit profile" menu and scroll down to discography. there is a "custom order" feature for your releases. I'm pretty sure this is a fairly new feature, or I just never noticed til like 3 days ago when I started prepping for an album.

As for bandcamp itself, I have no issue with it whatsoever. I can stream my albums and people can easily download it from there. I post mediafire links of each album in the notes because I've found a good majority of people would opt for that instead, and it keeps my free download counters down. It's basically the "lesser of 4 evils" if you wanna put it in a boat with itunes, beatport, and amazon. If you guys have issues, buy a domain and host your albums and put a buy button or whatever. that's realistically the best option since no one would be taking a cut (unless you wanna count server bills). you can even have your albums streaming on bandcamp but not allow downloads and link to your site where people could buy your music. there are a lot of options here.

Los Angeles, CA

good fucking god, man. bandcamp is fine.

why would you ever need to download your own release? you uploaded it to the site, correct? so you should have it?

as for only accepting paypal, A LOT of sites are like that. i personally dig it because i prefer using paypal, and honestly i hear more people bitch about sites not accepting paypal rather than it being the only form of payment. seriously, it's 2013, if you still do not have paypal you're probably in a ridiculously tiny little minority and you should probably get with the fuckin' times (i mean, i don't know the statistics, but it seems like pretty much everyone uses paypal).

i do love it when people are given a free site that can actually be quite beneficial and do nothing but bitch about what a piece of shit it is. it is a website that lets you upload a ton of music, for free, let people stream it, for free, and potentially buy it, with the website only taking a very small cut of the profits. my god, that shit is the devil, let's crucify the creators. or better yet, let's go back to the days where every band / artist had their own individual website (that no one visited) with terrible design and more often than not, shitty mp3 links rather than streaming audio. that was better, right?

Abandoned on Fire

Megadittos to Wizzy.  Christ, its a great product that funds itself through comissions, not ads.  Bagging on bandcamp is flat out dumb.

Brunswick, GA USA
Wizwars wrote:

my god, that shit is the devil, let's crucify the creators.

People in obscure countries may have trouble with Paypal but that's beside the point. Stats speak for themselves, and SoundCloud get me more hits, making them better for me.

Wizwars wrote:

or better yet, let's go back to the days where every band / artist had their own individual website (that no one visited) with terrible design and more often than not, shitty mp3 links rather than streaming audio. that was better, right?

Actually, I think it was, specifically because the result is easier to control and higher quality than streaming. Because of this, you should still have a private website even if people don't seem to visit.

Chicago IL