For those who have never seen that sort of picture, turn it upside down.

There's a certain George Carlin bit I'm dying to show you but I'm not sure I can or should...

Bump with emphasis

Can we have a checkbox on a thread's page which, when checked, makes it so a thread no longer bumps for your account?

This is more evidence that copyright laws must be reformed as they were designed to protect the weak from the strong, not the other way around.

Consider causes such as


I think ice sampled Deacon's bass and the recorded finger snaps too. There is an interview where he claims one retrigger makes it different.

Jredd wrote:

Offering something for free means no profit, therefore no royalties.

By letter of law this is not correct. If they had used the real song they could be paid through YouTube's sync agreement. If the spot is televised the sync use must be licensed and iirc is not statutory (that is, the author sets the pay rate; as the tweet said, they probably would've allowed it for less than having some guy copy it...) The "we didn't make money" thing really only applies to mechanical rights collected and kept by record companies based on poor physical sales.

The issue that would be at hand in court is, will a judge believe that the Disney piece is Jetpack Blues, or are Disney afraid enough of a judge determining that to settle? We won't get an answer to that anytime soon.

Invisible Robot Hands wrote:

Nuke the thread, guise.

That means a new thread will need to be started when/if there is more news. If that's what it takes, so be it...

Dadibom wrote:

It looks cooler...

In 1990 I though they looked worse than slide rules and pocket protectors, how times change...

Your project needs a LED or turbo button mod, seriously.

I'd get a cheap laugh from seeing a YouTube takedown notice on it but I don't want to keep watching the thing.


(12 replies, posted in General Discussion)

You may be better served finding a better quality shirt and learning to screenprint, if you will move the right amount of them.

Results can be sold via Brandcamp and such. If I think about this stuff too much it makes my head spin.


(58 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

stancoolness wrote:

That's like telling a banana to stop being yellow.

Bananas start their lives green and end them black.

There are other threads about this, your choice of words have an effect on how people will perceive your music, look for the other threads for details.


(34 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

The standard midi file format had a bad version that smashes all data into one track and a bearable version that leaves them separated. You want to export to the latter version.

The ideal format is the native format of your sequencer, but in your case it can't be helped. I don't know enough about Reason to give the exact answer you want, but I'm guessing the export is trying to make an ancient file.

Auxcide wrote:

I. . . I don't even know what those are. lol

A part of me is proud of your parents.

I don't need another reason to hate on the Disney company, they already try to legislate everlasting control over fairy tales they don't own and completely ruined copyright law. Nice to see how well they respect the law they helped to create.

They also imported Miyazaki and have their occasional moments of innovation...

Chainsaw Police wrote:

Yeah, I'm probably missing something big

Maybe this:

In the long run, what will happen will happen. Also, link contains some brony content.

Chainsaw Police wrote:

Aren't covers legal? Or am I missing something huge here...?

That sort of use requires a sync license in the US. Covers require statutory royalty payments as well.

To me, changing the key and changing the instruments is not changing the song- George Harrison was sued over less.

It may be easy to do... for example, music played while testing sound, or music played in BG while talking.... good luck!

kitsch wrote:

some of the fern gully music would be good covered (yes, seriously)

Not Disney iirc