stumbled past this thread and its been like a whole year and a half and my cart has only panic screened once and everything was fine after i rebooted it. this cart has seriously been the best thing to happen to my gameboy
1 Nov 5, 2014 3:51 am
Re: LittleFM 0.5.2 released - an alternative file manager for LSDj (39 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
2 Sep 18, 2013 7:33 pm
Re: coolest netlabel awards [results] (97 replies, posted in General Discussion)
3 May 27, 2013 9:35 am
Re: LittleFM 0.5.2 released - an alternative file manager for LSDj (39 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
havent had any issues since last post. maybe i just started treating my gb better? ^^' i also had no problem with sav files from backups and between different versions of lsdj except that littleFM does take up one kit slot worth of memory. if youre patching together a sav with a bunch of kits,you can only use 50 instead of the full 51 if you want to use littleFM pretty much the only thing thats missing is an update to lsdmanager to handle the expanded sav banks
but even as is i pretty much dont have to buy another cart ever again because of this thing. so many thanks. ill check out the new update!
4 Feb 27, 2013 8:00 pm
Re: Live streaming remote visuals with remote audio (3 replies, posted in Motion Graphics)
thanks for telling us about your experiments! theres some really good information in here. im sure ill be coming back to this as a case study
just a bit of personal experience to throw in, G+ Hangouts turned out to be less than ideal for me because of auto ducking software that is built into the hangout interface. there may be a way to turn it off, but i run into unstable sound levels and spikes in volume when ive used G+ Hangouts to try and stream.
5 Feb 21, 2013 1:27 am
Re: LittleFM 0.5.2 released - an alternative file manager for LSDj (39 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
it freezes on the lsdj song screen most of the time, but ive had it freeze on other screens too. i havent noticed the light shocks, but its very possible. ill keep an eye out for the circumstances next time.
6 Feb 21, 2013 12:26 am
Re: LittleFM 0.5.2 released - an alternative file manager for LSDj (39 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
quick update: my DnD is working well with littleFM except for that it occasionally freezes. none of the data gets lost, i just have to restart the system. it does this much more often than it used to though, and im guessing it has to do with littleFM. ill have it freeze on me maybe one out of 10 times im working with it, and theres no particular catalyst that i can figure out. ill let you know if i come up with a more satisfying explanation.
7 Feb 12, 2013 9:19 pm
Re: LittleFM 0.5.2 released - an alternative file manager for LSDj (39 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
I will, in time.
Awesome! thanks so much
8 Feb 5, 2013 1:55 am
Re: LittleFM 0.5.2 released - an alternative file manager for LSDj (39 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
thank you so much for making this! i installed it on my Drag N Derp and it works great. multiple save banks... who knew! does anyone know if LSDmanager can handle the multi-savs? otherwise, is there a different way to manage the individual songs in the different sav banks once you get it backed up to your computer?
9 Feb 4, 2013 7:08 am
Re: My Crazy Ambitious DMG-01 Build (126 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
this is inspiring! way to dive in head first! this thing is gonna be a beast. BEAST.
10 Jan 16, 2013 2:21 am
Topic: S.P.R.Y. - Gyre Convergence (3 replies, posted in Releases)
A couple songs from my BRKfest set with a couple songs I recently wrote to round out the bunch all recorded yesterday. Some weekly beats finding their way here.
11 Dec 28, 2012 1:05 am
Re: The Weekly Treats 2013 Thread (173 replies, posted in Releases)
sounds like a great idea!
12 Dec 18, 2012 3:09 am
Re: Thoughts on Streaming (114 replies, posted in General Discussion)
disclosure: i play webstreams self-indulgently jacking off all over my kaoss pad but at least i use live mode ^_^'
i can understand a lot of the criticism about webshows in this thread. the ones i have seen and been a part of up until now are usually too long, and too visually boring to get through more than a few artists at a time (which is why i put them on in the background and stuff). BUT the music that i have been exposed to through them has been on the whole, fantastic. there are a lot of parallels im seeing between the development of chiptunes webshows and the early development of other nerdy streaming media (like starcraft etc). people are trying things out and figuring out what works and what doesnt. Consistently preventing down time, solving sound issues off stream, and clear content presentation are all hurdles still to be cleared. i think were on to something here though. there is a lot of raw enthusiasm for live internet music, and if it can be done well, it has a lot of potential. having discussions like this will be crucial to developing this new format into something that could really reach out past the maginot lines.
13 Dec 15, 2012 5:09 am
Re: MAOZ TZUR - CHANUKAH COLLAB (13 replies, posted in Collaborations)
ive got my maoz tzur cover done tho D8 still doing anything? maybe a christmas release? lol
14 Dec 10, 2012 3:43 am
Re: MAOZ TZUR - CHANUKAH COLLAB (13 replies, posted in Collaborations)
thats a great idea! im down to make a remix
16 Nov 4, 2012 6:18 pm
Re: Drag'n'Derp: the gameboy cart to end all gameboy carts (705 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
nitro2k01 wrote:To anyone who might be wondering, the version of LittleFM that is publicly available does not work with derp. It's all working, but I need to finish the script for patching an LSDj ROM before I feel comfortable releasing it.
if that's the case, why does it say here on that LittleFM is in fact supported? is that remark actually false? just wanted some clarification.
I put LittleFM on my derp cart and the shell works fine. load function is so much faster than regular. I havent gotten the multi sav file support and other functions to work though. i know some of them were never functional to begin with. the multi sav file thing opens the menu and loads the (one) sav file properly but im stuck on figuring out how to put more sav files on there if its even possible.
edit: didnt read the rest of page. excited for new version