(11 replies, posted in Releases)

Hey seriously check this out

If you want info on hardware mods then why are you on a music forum? Why not go somewhere like benheck or modretro or something?

The Z command can be used in the phrase screen. It repeats the last non-Z
command issued in a phrase in the current channel, using the then used
command value added with a random number between 0 and the given Z
command value.


(327 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Also, fucking this


(21 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I legitimately had a dream where my mom cut off my penis and served it to me for breakfast

Alpine wrote:

bit wish is 15 iirc.

Actually I remember hearing that he's 7


(4 replies, posted in General Discussion)



(159 replies, posted in General Discussion)

break it up you two


(159 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Kyary Pamyu Pamyu


(29 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Lay down a beat, and write a melody. Look at some of the music you like, and notice how they play with their melodies. Do they stay on the same pitch for a couple of beats, then go down a bit? Do they go up a bit, then back to the original note, then down a bit, and back again? Incorporate these sorts of patterns, but don't go overboard and solo the whole time. Keep adjusting notes until they fit in with the rest of the notes and don't sound too out of place. Play it back, and if it sounds weird, then change it. Once you have the melody down, add some bass. Make sure to change the note every measure or so to a pitch that sits nicely with your melody and keeps it interesting. From there you can add harmonies, maybe some arpeggios, what have you. As the song progresses, start out simple (maybe just have the beat) and build upon that. Switch up your melody, your beat, your progression, your harmonies, whatever you feel needs changed. Make sure to rely on repetition at least a little, and always remember to switch things up before they get boring. It's really important to think about the music that you like to listen to and notice what they do with their song. If you're listening to a song and hear all the instruments drop out except for drums, you should think, "oh, that's something I can incorporate into my song." Build up a library of techniques and methods that you can apply to your compositions.

It's important to know that the above is just an indication of how you might want to start a song; there isn't any exact formula to songwriting. Most important of all, practice. Once you can write a song and have a little bit of an idea of what's going on, just play with new ideas and do your thing and I guarantee that you'll get much better over time.



(26 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Lindsay Lowend


(11 replies, posted in Releases)

Pssst the "Download Now" link is broken


(26 replies, posted in Releases)

Super, super nice


(71 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Like 10 other people posted, run malwarebytes (or MSE/whatever works) in safe mode. Why'd you ask for advice if you didn't intend to listen?


(71 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Digital Darwin wrote:

thank you bit wish for being the only one who helped and is not a complete jackass on this beginning of this thread

sandneil wrote:

malwarebytes anti malware is good. but really the best thing to do is reinstall windows and then install an antivirus package and start using common sense about what you install

Alpine wrote:

don't download porn my man
also I hear malwarebytes is good, and the one that comes with vista/win7 does a p good job as well