EXITED smile

Dang-it i want one, but me have no money to "waste" right now sad Maybe I'll make cooshinator get me two of them for me for my birthday smile (That means he would know what he is getting...)

Thanks, we will review it proudly smile

I believe we are wanting to go for a dancing theme, similar to Cooshinator TREYFREY and Electric Children. Maybe some more thrashy stuff too like my release on the label. And about content filtering, we will reject content we dont like or dont believe fits the label. Thanks for your concerns downstate smile

Ill review submitted content when i get home from school. About the design, maybe i can make it load to the releases page by default and change the page entitled home to news?

On May 11th, me and my friend Cooshinator released on our new chipmusic netlabel entitled dmgcontrol, and now we are looking for albums, and ep's and such from others to release on it. The URL is http://dmgcontrol.com

A second note:
We also want to host one webshow a month of about 5 or more artists, so if you would like to participate in that, that'd be nice too smile

Feel free to reply here, contact us at [email protected], pm us (dsv101 and/or cooshinator), or hit us up at http://contact.dmgcontrol.com

Thanks guys, it's a pleasure making chiptunes smile


(54 replies, posted in General Discussion)

http://areciboradio.com/ too i believe smile


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Fudgers wrote:

It's a deep blue

That means its inverted smile


(19 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Here's the games on my cart:

Bubble Ghost
Super Mario Land
Castlevania Adventures
Amazing Tater
Solomon's Club
Knight Quest
Double Dragon
Contra Alien Wars
Castlevania 2
Caslte Quest
Bust a move 2
Battle Toads
Adventure Island
Megaman 3
Megaman 2
Marble Madness
Adventure Island 2
Killer Instinct 95

and of course LSDJ, which is the only one i believe that uses the SRAM smile

EDIT: Download At your own risk, i recommend purchasing smile


(19 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

If you would like a list of the games on my cart, i can tell you when i get home from school. There is a decent amount of good games out there that do not use the SRAM


(1 replies, posted in General Discussion)

What's the prize for the video contest? It isn't stated anywhere...


(16 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

zaxxon wrote:
dsv101 wrote:

Thats because it is no longer a switched jack smile

So no matter what I do it will do this?

Lets talk else where, is it seems there is a lot you should know smile


(16 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

zaxxon wrote:

thanks, but I still don't understand why the sound is coming out of the speakers too when i plug in headphones

Thats because it is no longer a switched jack smile Or if it is not the original jack, and its an additional one, it isn't switched smile


(16 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

zaxxon wrote:
firebrandboy wrote:

when you say the sound is coming out really quietly, do you mean when listening through headphones? if so, then of course it will be much quieter because you are bypassing the headphone preamp.

But isn't prosound supposed to make it louder and clearer?

Well not through headphones. Prosound is for better recording and playing through an audio system as well as noise reduction. Try plugging that baby into an audio system and see how it sounds smile Although, IDK about the screen fade thingy...id have to see a picture of it smile


(14 replies, posted in Releases)

I suppose smile

More people should listen to make me more proud smile


(14 replies, posted in Releases)

Decktonic wrote:
dsv101 wrote:

I know this isn't a golden release, but i think it deserves more listens/downloads. Please Guys smile

don't sell yourself short.

What do you mean?