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Topics by dsv101
Posts found: 129-144 of 385
Saskrotch wrote:tempsoundsolutions wrote:let me put my boner up in your grandma's face.
first of all, who the fuck are you? have you made any records? i've done several vinyl as far back at 1995. unfortunately for you i know what im talking about, and i shouldnt even really make this post and let ppl be in the dark about it because you are a snarky guy.
Yeah, I sent them an email and they haven't replied. Just want to know where they press, or if they press themselves. Or maybe they would even release my Even though it isn't their style.
Oh I will! (I also Painted a gameboy to match it). It is my travel guitar now, and a test to see if I could refinish a guitar before I refinish my baby. My Ibanez Gio Gax70. Its weird, both of these guitars are cheap as heck, but they are solid, and sound amazing. The ltd is definitely geared towards metal. But the Ibanez gets around every sound possible. I've puller off rock, jazz, metal, punk...the list goes on and on.
Yeah, I don't really want to shell out the money, I figured I support a fellow chiptuner. Although, I may have to. After all, I am in the process of refinishing it by painting it fluorescent green.
If you got any rail pickups, I might be interested. (single coil)
Ok, so I have this really cool looking DMG I modded it is fluorescent green with a red backlight, nes buttons and RCA prosound. The problem is very occasionally I have to slightly squeeze the gameboy to get the display to display correctly. It makes this weird pattern of what look like a lot of vertical lines that go from a very faint grey to some being black. I have taken it apart various times to look for shorts, and found none. It is an LEDx3 Backlight from kitsch wired up to Q1 and the led ground. It has the resister that came with the kit wired as well. I do not have a camera capable of taking pictures that are not super blurry, sorry.
Another Castle wrote:Also nitro, not sure whether or not you saw the page on his freewebs site for the "gamecube laptop"
100% fake, for sure (not that I doubted you, nitro
Well I dont think it is fake, there are plenty of these things built on and
Unless by fake you mean not official nintendo gear.
Sorry I didn't catch that 
I really want to release my next full length on 12" vinyl. It is 19 tracks totaling at about 34 minutes long. It is very similar to 80's Hardcore Punk plus LSDJ. What are my options?
Some rough recordings of stuff that will be on it:
edit - clarified title - lb
Jeez, so hard hittingly awesome.
I don't think it is necessary to know music theory for LSDJ, although it helps a lot to know what notes sound good with each other and what scales work nicely for what you are trying to achieve. I'd go here to learn some stuff:
kineticturtle wrote:I keep thinking the title of this thread is "Simile request", like a blind fool.
omg, I read this magical statement and then the actual thread title changed on me. weird!
There is this video online where some dude tears it apart:
You got some cool sounds as well as progressions going on here, best of luck on future works dude!
Apeshit wrote:Might not be what you're looking for, but we've got some clear DMG shells arriving in around four days with black printing.
OMG the eta for that is my birthday. Someone will HAVE TO buy me a red one.
Posts found: 129-144 of 385 / Forums / Posts by dsv101