(21 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Well I've got two DMGs in semi-active use and a Gameboy Micro in regular use, and a standard GBA for sparse use

unused there's another DMG and an A500 because i don't know wtf to do with it. Oh also an NES or two sitting in a box

I appreciate the zero tolerance policy for jerkwads this thread has.


I've completely lost the ability to tell who is being sarcastic in this thread. I'm leaving.


(18 replies, posted in Releases)

2102, the year jokes die

ant1 wrote:
pixls wrote:


this one. it's a bit of a time commitment though.

thanks smile i'll download it
edit: or not! i'll stream it instead

you can download the whole thing for free even though it says buy idk,
actually i just made it so you can download the track on its own because i didn't realize you couldn't before

i like this


this one. it's a bit of a time commitment though.

SKGB wrote:
Chiptography wrote:

It's also my BIRTHDAY!!!! I'll bring the cupcakes smile

Do you like chocolate milk?
Do you like to get boozy?

Is it gonna get broken again?

realistically android tablets don't have the optimization you'd want for real music production, not to mention the atrocious lack of apps, if you actually want to do serious music production on a tablet the only real option is an iPad.


(8 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Ok, so maybe this site isn't the best place to be hosting all your music. when you upload things here you do so with the knowledge that those songs are going to be available for download, if you want people to be able to stream, but not download, go for something like soundcloud, this is a forum above all, and not a music hosting site.

I would not be opposed to having an option for whether or not the download link appears, but I also think it's not necessary.



(32 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

sampling is cool in nanoloop mostly because it's so easy to do, but the fact that you literally cannot change a sound from note to note is a deal breaker for me, i would end up using something like three channels just for percussion and then only have two left for anything else.
There's definitely some cool things to be done with iphone nanoloop, but realistically, i couldn't write a song with it unless i was doing something either super repetitive or really chilled out and slow, that's just me though. Also i personally find the synthesis on both gameboy versions to be more compelling than in the iphone version, it just demands more exploration.


(32 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

fucking lol about nanoloop iphone being less limited than the other versions

I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess you've never used the other versions.



do we have a winner? did nick win? did nick lose on a technicality?

shit. that is pretty sick