Sure. You will feel better the oldskool SEGA 1990 music soul if you wait 2 or 3 years more.



(43 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Nice site!! Congratulations.
Btw, translation to English and Spanish will be appreciated.

little-scale, I assume that inside the cart there's no black magic running, so could you please share the rom located inside it? Or some type of specs regarding to how signals come from the pad.

This will be a great idea even to make a GENMDM-lite that only comes with the PAD CONNECTION INPUT and the rom to be burned/everdrive-added.


(6 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

DefleMask exports nativelly VGM and ROM, but you can convert easily VGM into MIDIs with lot of external tools.

djmaximum wrote:

Maximum number of instruments, macros, patterns Etc should be 256, not 127.

Why?, why not 512?, or 1024?, or infinite? xD

djmaximum wrote:

All of the gameboys noise pitches should be supported.

They are all supported.

djmaximum wrote:

Wave macros on the gameboy should reset their phase, but not every 60 frames per second.

You can't change the wave without resetting the phase.

djmaximum wrote:

GB and NES, add HW envelopes, pitch sweep, length counter and macros for panning for the GB.

The NES don't have HW envelopes, pitch sweep could be added, but I think that if I add pitch macros they will be not neccesary. Macro for panning could be a great idea.

djmaximum wrote:

Pitch macros, like in famitracker.


djmaximum wrote:

DPCM support and expansion sound for NES.

DefleMask is not Famitracker, I will not support expansion chips for now, it is a multi system tracker rather than a pure NES tracker. And why do we need DPCM support if we have 7Bits pure PCM. Only MuseTracker and DefleMask can achieve that type of sample playback, it is awesome and always better than the crappy DPCM support provided by most of trackers.

djmaximum wrote:

Replace crappy gameboy sound emulation with NEZplay.
Replace crappy NES sound emulation with blargs NES sound emulation.


djmaximum wrote:

make GB ROMs more compatible with emulators like KIGB, BGB Etc.

Actually, making the Volume Hack of GB work in the real HW, this is a TO DO.

djmaximum wrote:

HES export for TG16 PCE.

PCE is the only system lacking ROM export in DefleMask. I guess that it didn't have it because of the lack of a flash cartridge, I can't test the output. Sorry.

djmaximum wrote:

Copy and paste MML macros from TXT files.

Could be added.

djmaximum wrote:

Make custom speeds work with the ROM and GBS exporter, and the others too.

It works, why it shouldn't?, please if you post some report like this attach a module file and a exported rom.

djmaximum wrote:

A checkbox for the instrument setup, it could be a blank or a simple instrument.

?? I don't get it, what should be a "blank instrument?, currently you have FM or STD instruments.

djmaximum wrote:

BBC micro, SN76489 clone.
YM2413 support.

New systems will be added on DefleMask 10, Spectrum, NEO GEO are priorities.

djmaximum wrote:

Make NSFs compatible with older players like VirtuaNSF, NSFLive, VirtuaNES Etc.

DefleMask is fully compatible in the Hardware, if those players don't work is because they are not emulating well the trick that DefleMask uses to play the samples. Sorry. It was posted in NESDEV that the technic used by DefleMask is unique and a fully working way of playing back on the HW 7bits sample data at variable rates by using the frame counter.
Read the thread here:
In fact, NSFPlay was updated ONLY to support this feature, that most of players were lacking.

I appreciate the feedback, but sometimes I think that you are expecting DefleMask to become another software (in this case Famitracker), that will never happen. They are completely different tracker approachs.
Thanks a lot.

Fixes to DefleMask, 9f update released!, more stability and a more or less continuous paste like the one that Lazerbeat requested.



(2 replies, posted in Sega)

This is an awesome tool. Working flawlessly in DefleMask.


(66 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Fake-bit music.


(8 replies, posted in Sega)

What's the difference?

Lot of my song titles are anagrams or have encrypted messages.


(84 replies, posted in General Discussion)

barbeque wrote:
Delek wrote:

that kyary cover is fucking awesome.

Indeed. The best chiptune cover I heard in a long time, I'm really glad and proud that it has been done on DefleMask.


(84 replies, posted in General Discussion)

DefleMask? smile

Really interesting stuff right here!

What a waste of ROM memory that Disney choice, too much programming effort for nothing. They did also a pure FM version of "You've got a friend in me", it is present in the storyline in the end of the game!, it sounds a lot better!

Interesting the .mod playback thing, but a very strange idea to only use it for one track that is later re-done in the native system architecture.