DefleMask is available for Mac, Windows and Linux too.

BPM is something really virtual and non real in any Chipmusic/Video-Game-Console tracker.
All of the stuff running in this type of environment is based on how much frames or V-Sync or ticks (or whatever, but will be always related to a specific base speed, a.k.a CPU/Screen/etc). BPM could be calculated and displayed based on the previous explained data, but you can't actually set the BMP, because the speed is actually being processed as how much "keyframes" are in a row (as in FamiTracker, as in VGMMM, as in DefleMask, etc, etc, etc).

The speed in DefleMask could be specified PER ROW using specific commands, so you can get virtually any speed you want, also you have a general Speed A/B values, where A is for even rows and B is for uneven rows for faster sets.

This is awesome news! smile


(7 replies, posted in Sega)

Force the sample rate to change will slow down/speed up the wav, that's right. You have to re-sample or record again the sounds. Search for an option to do re-sampling in Audacity.

You can't record a FM preset in a single WAV and hope to get a sound like in a true FM context, the FM Algorithm is not linear through frequencies, this means that a sound in a specific frequency could change a LOT when it is played with lower or higher carrier hz. Lot of math is running there.
Sample based trackers will do a mess with a FM sample, they will do simple linear change of pitch and you will lose the FM magic. You should record ALL notes that you want to use to not lose the FM sound, a pain.

Despite you don't like DefleMask, it seems to be your best option:
True Genesis sound, ROM exporting feature, .bin (RAW SMPS dump) .tfi (TFM Music Maker format) .y12 (GENS KMod dump) .ins (MVS Tracker format) .vgi (VGM Music Maker format) presets support and Windows, Linux and Mac version.

It is as intuitive as FastTracker II, many people accustomed to it back in the day are feeling at home with DefleMask. You should take more time with it, after a while the speed and the understanding of how to make sounds grows exponentially.

Sorry but I love DefleMask heart tongue


(7 replies, posted in Sega)

You are exporting them to 44100hz, a non-DefleMask-compatible sampling rate.

Valid DefleMask Sampling rates (as DefleMask shows on samples window) are:

This sampling rates are the uniques supported to provide a more precise and solid timing in the sound engines for the systems. Also they are the most common frequencies used by lot of games.

Also, they should have 16bits of depth, as the manual says.

VGM Music Maker is loading them fine because it is re-sampling all of your wav files to a compatible sampling rate, but losing lot of data. This was avoided in DefleMask to get more pure sound and because I think that the re-sampling task should be done outside the tracker, to get always better results with an specialized audio editor.

The GB soundchip is very strange and shitty compared to the other ones inside DefleMask, software envelopes are NOT supported by the actual hardware (but they work on some Emulators wtf?), so you are forced to use HW envelopes.

BUT, DefleMask will do the hack used by many sound engines like XPMCK (that consist in increase the current volume by 1 by writing lot of times 0x08 in the envelope register) to obtain true software envelopes. This will be added on next update, backward compatibility is guaranteed.

That was brilliant!, congratulations! smile

Amazing!!!! There's a video of that performance?!

I can't run it on my 64bits pc (16 bit compatibility was removed I think)

I don't know how VGMMM works, so I can't answer if you could do that with DefleMask.

Apart from the Speed X/Y and Base Time, you could use 9xx and Fxx effects to change dynamically the speed and get whatever you want per frame. Hope that this helps.

Thanks for the report, it is fixed and on next update that bug will not be present.

PS: In order to maintain this thread clean, bug reports should be posted here:

wedanced wrote:

This issue should be gone after you move the libsdl file included with DefleMask to /usr/lib!

You should extract all folders, skins, samples, wavetables, songs, etc. Are you extracting with the "relative paths" checked? Appears like an error in your decompress tool.

There's an error.log file in DefleMask's folder?

Maybe you have some non standard ascii characters in your desired path. Try to extract it to C:\DefleMask\.

Exactly why? It works on Mountain Lion.