Mac and Linux builds are available since 01/01/13!

Oh sure that was the case, it was explained in the DefleMask forums that the pre-release are only exe files, it needs the rest of a previous Defle installation.

Btw, please check the MIDI Input, it will records chords!, if you play a C chord for example, it will paste C, E, G on 3 channels at the same time! This is a very useful thing that needs some beta testing.

If adding MIDI Input to DefleMask will break the compatibility with Wine, I'm sorry but goodbye Wine. This pre-release distribution is Windows only, but remember that Mac and Linux builds are coming too. Why Wine should be necessary?

DefleMask 10a > PRE-RELEASE HERE <
EDIT: MIDI Input will records chords!, if you play a C chord it will paste C, E, G on 3 channels at the same time!

[email protected]/forum wrote:

Guys, here is a pre-release of DefleMask 10a.

News so far:
MIDI Input
Boost in performance
The Game Boy now uses internal HW volume envelopes!, this means 100% compatibility on the hardware. Just the way it should be. Side effect: no more volume macro, you will have to modify your existing tunes.
Fixed the noise behavior of the Game Boy. (full range)
As requested, now the volume column for FM Instruments will modify only the carriers volume of the current instrument.
New default SEGA Genesis instrument.

Please test it all you can, looking forward to fix some bugs before the release.

Guys, I have a MIDI IN capable DefleMask beta right here (Windows only atm); I need please some feedback if you have a midi input attached to your computer.

It is HERE

The rar includes the new exe file and a default config.ini file, pelase backup yours before. big_smile

Under Options you will find the MIDI sub menu, it should show all midi devices available in your computer.

EDIT: Also I added a thing that lot of users requested: volume column for FM channels will ONLY modify carrier's operators volume.
EDIT2: You will notice a boost in performance, DefleMask rendering system runs faster now.


(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Really great!, a lot like Star Control!


(13 replies, posted in Sega)

Great tool!

Stef wrote:

There is a bug in my xgmtool which may not convert correctly VGM file from deflemask into XGM (samples are not correctly preserved from what users reported me). I will fix that asap

DefleMask uses 1.60 VGM files, the samples are stored in the header and you call them by ID after. This is always better than rewriting the sample data each time you want to play it. I don't know if you tool supports 1.60 VGM specs, bu you definitely should. smile


(10 replies, posted in Sega)

The less significant bit is ignored of a 5bits value, that's what is said in

However, the documentation of XPMCK is not clear enough.


(10 replies, posted in Sega)

What actually uses 5 bits are the D1R and D2R!, those values should be multiplied by 2. However, XPMCK calls them DR and D2R; but there's a SL (Sustain Level) value in the YM2612, and it is a pure 4 bit value.

The conclusion is that you have to multiply by 2 only DR and D2R and leave SL as it is. Please try this theory.


(10 replies, posted in Sega)

There's an important declaration in the

"On the SEGA Genesis (YM2612) the five-parameter version is used
and all values have a range of 0-31 (the LSB of sustain and release
is ignored since they are stored as 4-bit values in the YM2612

This means that you have to make a bit shift to your desired value, like this:
Value 06 (binary 0110), bit shift < 1 = 0110 0 (value 12)
Value 14 (binary 1110), bit shift < 1 = 1110 0 (value 28)

You have to add a 0 in the right side of the number, a dummy value, in this way you will be using only 4 bits of a 5 bits space, giving ranges from 0 to 15, but being 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30

If you don't understand this geek binary thing, don't worry, the conclusion is that you have to multiply your SUSTAIN and RELEASE values by 2.
6 = 12
14 = 28

DefleMask does all of this thing automatically.


(336 replies, posted in Sega)

It is a heavy task to be done in the Genesis, if Defle and Prodigy will be compatible, you can use this:
MIDI 2 DefleMask
So a good way could be: MIDI -> Defle -> DMF -> Prodigy.

This was a Ponzi Scheme, he did 50 GENMDM with the money of selling 100.

Awesome!, Shiru is back!

LSDJ have lot of shortcuts to avoid writing lot of effects, some of them can evolve in bad habits.
As sketchman3 said, in every other normal tracker you use Note Delays, Note Cuts and Speed Commands to make complex rhythms and groove tricks.

By heart, in DefleMask:
9xx - Set Speed Value 1
Fxx - Set Speed Value 2
ECxx - Note Cut
EDxx - Note Delay

DefleMask has a global even/uneven rows speed (like 4ticks/10ticks) and that gives you a very deep count of grooves. Of course you could, also, change them dynamically by using commands during playback.


(20 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

You have suffered a sleep paralysis hallucination, it is something normal for a chipmusician.