I like the concept, it is not a 100% console based program (you can see that the movement is actually very fluid, without respecting the letter's grid), but it is really addictive. Congrats!

PS: The .jar's size is too big (50mb), I opened the .jar and it is clear that you are using .wav files for the music, eating 90% of the game's size just for that. Please consider using a module format or mp3 at least. Continue the good work! smile

If you can't find that uploads, you can obtain the same samples if you rip DATA STREAMS from .vgm rips.

.vgm files: http://project2612.org/list.php
.vgm format specs: http://www.smspower.org/uploads/Music/vgmspec170.txt

If you open .vgz files with winrar and extract the content, you will obtain a .vgm file ready to be readed; the trick is to import as RAW data in an audio editor the samples parts.


(9 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

egr wrote:

Delek, are there benefits to using bpms that are divisible by the refresh rate vs those that require "extra code" to achieve?

From the point of view of the user, there's no difference.

Technically is a little bit geeky stuff going on there, I will try to explain it in a simple way:
In a normal game environment, it is simply "enough" to use the screen refresh rate or another slow IRQ (interrupt request) to build your logic and music inside it. There are no needs for a "specific" tempo, no one cares that much about this (with exception of Music only apps or Chipmusicians).

Now, the implications of building your music update at a custom refresh rate are:
ALL your logic must run at that speed (multi-threading is something obviously outside of imagination)
You will need very precise and complex playback routine (timing, optimizations, strange hacks, etc)
Obviously more CPU use (particularly annoying in battery powered devices)
And even with all of this stuff, you are at the end of the day limited by the MASTER CLOCK of the device, behind the interrupts there is a master timing limit that is the actual clock of the core CPU (all becomes a multiple of 1/master_device_clock).

(Now it is easy to see why back in the day, the SEGA Genesis for example, used only the Z80 to play samples (a fast process) and leave the Motorola 68000 for the logic and simple music events)

egr wrote:

what are the refresh rates of the DMG and GBC?

Its CPU runs at 4194304 Hz, to display a full frame it takes 70224 cpu cycles. So 4194304 / 70224 = 59,727500569605832763727500569606 Hz

d3Ni$e wrote:

But if I open a tracker and I see that the speed is set to like "3" how fast is that approximately? Is it over 100bpm or under?

Insufficient data for meaningful answer.
"3" means that it will take "3 ticks". It is up to the tracker if a tick means 1/60 seconds, 1/50 seconds or 1/300 seconds (normally you can find this in the manual or in the source code of the program)


(9 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)

Chip trackers are in sync with a refresh rate, usually 60hz. A "tick" is simply 1/60 seconds.
All speeds that you can achieve are simply a factor of that 1/60 main tick speed.

Said that, it is easy to understand why you can't simply say "I want 125 BPM", the time resolution in this systems is very limited (is just like saying that you want a 15mpx image in a NES Tetris game)

However, some trackers out there have the possibility to change that refresh rate (I can assure DefleMask can). So you can actually set the main engine clock speed to something different than 60hz, to obtain a tick that can be multiplied to reach your desired tempo. But, yes, lot of technical stuff will be involved in that.


(12 replies, posted in Releases)

Nobody can define if a song is chiptune, rap, techno, classical, etc; only by reading the instruments used to make it. Listening to it is absolutely necessary.
The "chiptune label" is something you win after portamenting, arpegging and noise drumming a lot of mathematical waveforms until ~75% says: "Wow, this chiptune rocks!"

EDIT: In other words, where's the link to the album? big_smile

Guys, finally the YM2151 + SEGA PCM is the winner. I'm starting to implement this Arcade Config inside DefleMask right now.
You can download the pre-release from the forum to make the YM2151 sound!

However, I have some problems regarding to how this soundchip sets the frequency (it is different than NES, C64, Game Boy, Genesis, PC Engine, etc), if you want to help me with technical stuffs about programming the YAMAHA YM2151, please read more information about this here:
http://www.delek.com.ar/forum/deflemask … 4/#msg2844

gcc is enough, I compile DefleMask with it everyday.

Why a virtual machine to start learning C?, simply download CodeBlocks IDE and MinGW compiler run a "Hello world!" program to check everything and done!

Here is a package with compiler+IDE bundled together:

I recommend CodeBlocks because it is cross-platform.

Nintendo is super close about that console and there's little/no homebrew on 3DS, sorry but if you don't have the know-how, starting with such a difficult environment will frustrate you and the project will face a dead end before even start.

Consider start writing a Windows based tracker, keep in mind some portability practices and you will be able to attack 3DS with a more focused weapon after some time.


(27 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I don't use it that much but anyway:

Thanks for the feedback guys, the version 10c was very well recieved that's really good for me, I'm putting lot of effort in Defle tracker.

Btw, in the forums we are thinking in the next system to be added! Please vote!
http://www.delek.com.ar/forum/deflemask … -be-added/

At the moment OPL3 and SNES are winning the poll!

It is a triangle rather than a sine! yikes

metatronaut wrote:

@Delek Sorry if I'm late to the party, but can you hand draw the waves using a mouse?

For those systems that use wavetables (PC Engine, Game Boy, etc), yes, you can draw waves using the mouse.

DefleMask 10c released!

MIDI Input Devices WOW!
New simplistic UI and default skin color.
Boost in performance, DefleMask rendering system now is a lot faster.
The clipboard is now shared between DefleMask instances. You can copy and paste pattern information between different DefleMask's windows.
.hes ROM export for PC-Engine!
The Game Boy now uses internal HW volume envelopes, this means 100% compatibility on the hardware. Just the way it should be. Side effect: no more volume macro, you will have to modify your existing tunes.
Fixed a bug regarding to the INTERPOLATE command (Ctrl + I) It works perfectly now.
Fixed a bug with the fine tunning command in some channels.
Alphabetical sorting on Linux of files lists.
A backup file will be automatically created when there's a new change in the module.
Fixed a bug related to exceed the max patterns limit of 128.
Hold a button pressed is now supported, it will call the button function repeatedly every 100ms.
Game Boy Effect added: 13xy - Set Sweep Time and Shift
Game Boy Effect added: 14xy - Set Sweep Direction
Game Boy emulator changed: NEZPlug++ core.
As requested, now the volume column for FM Instruments will modify only the carriers volume of the current instrument.
Custom hz playback engine is now supported on exported roms!
New default SEGA Genesis instrument.
Added slider bars for the pattern view and the instrument editor.
Fixed an undo/redo bug.
UI with bugs fixed and addons.
Manual Updated.



(17 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

I also really love the N64 sounds, but, from a technical point of view, they are only very well done sample packs.

You can grab some of them here: http://www.reddit.com/r/WeAreTheMusicMa … ck_part_3/

New DefleMask simplistic look coming soon in 10c version.

Get the pre-release here.