(3 replies, posted in Circuit Bending)



(14 replies, posted in Nintendo Consoles)

PC-Engine is almost identically in sound features than Virtual Boy. For DefleMask, there was a fight in my head between VirtualBoy and NEC PC-Engine, I decided to add the NEC system after all, it has a more active scene than VB.

EDIT: It doesn't have "PCM" channels, they are 32 steps 6 bits editable waveforms. Just like PCE, Game Boy wave channel, etc.

The only intuitive interface is the nipple. tongue


(4 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Hmmm, I'm not sure about that. If I press refresh the favicon changes even if the forum didn't have any new post since last visit. I think it is random.

PS: This is phpBB?, I think it's a custom made forum. I don't see copyright legends here and there like a normal phpbb instalation.

OH WOW, this is super!


(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Ok, then this track was inspired by Radix - My Little Ponies


(4 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

Stupid question ahead:
What determines use one or the other?


Somewhere in eBay offices: Why TI-8x are being sold like hotcakes right now?

Congrats, irrlicht!


(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Arc-Demon, probably you have an outdated version of in_vgm plugin. Grab the latest one from vgmrips.net


(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

DefleMask supports 5 SEGA PCM channels at the same time. The Arcade configuration then is 8 FM channels from YM2151 and 5 PCM. 13 Channels in total btw.
And yes, .vgm export is supported too (Disk. Op -> S.VGM) smile


(15 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Sorry for the bump, but just in case someone find this by search:
DefleMask supports YM2151 paired with a SEGA PCM soundchip (OutRun, Hang-On, etc configuration).

I also can write code in the title of uploaded songs:
(note that there's no website header)

I know noone cares much about DefleMask here, but anyway, the new version with ARCADE configuration (YAMAHA YM2151 + SEGA PCM soundchips) was just released.



DefleMask 11 (@10/06/15):
- ARCADE (YM2151+SEGA PCM) support!
- .OPM instruments loader!
- More precise fine tune effect (E5xx)
- Added a Refresh button to the MIDI input menu to detect new connected devices.
- Fixed the position of the Edit Keys window on small screens
- Fixed a bug regarding to selecting from right to left (Thanks InversePhase)
- Fixed some bugs regarding to looping songs in an exported .vgm file.
- Now you can move instruments by using some fresh new arrow buttons!
- Now the volume changes are also delayed when a EDxx is setted on that row too
- Game Boy: More accurate volume of the WAVE channel.
- The DefleMask logo is back but on the right side and smaller than in previous versions. I missed it a lot!
- Lot of code cleaning and fixed some possible crashes.
- Manual Updated.


Great! It was the lack of htmlentities()/htmlspecialchars() to pre-process the data?

Best cover ever (?)

First please take a second to enter to my profile page: http://chipmusic.org/delek


Ok, you're back now... As you have noticed, you have been redirected to my website instead of seeing my user information. Why does this happen?, because you can actually write code in the links if you know how.

This should be fixed ASAP, I added just an innocent redirection as an example but very malicious client side code can be injected too.