SketchMan3 wrote:

But how in the world did you make the sampled drums on "Southern Accent" sound so natural?

good dynamic variation, humanization, triplet rolls, ghost hits etc.



(86 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

are there really that many hype threads that it's an actual problem? like is it actually detracting from people's forum experience that much? these questiond aren't rhetorical, i genuinely don't know!
still i think posting a thread under "releases" before you actually release the thing is properly daft. at least have a preview thing (i don't like those either :v)

usually i start with a chord progression and work around that. if i think of something in my head i'm usually hearing the underlying chords at the same time anyway :v


(12 replies, posted in Releases)

yep, this slays! awesome work.


(14 replies, posted in Releases)

kind of a big deal!


(69 replies, posted in General Discussion)

reading this thread makes me want to just release the half finished album i have as a fully finished ep

but naaaaaaaaaah


(69 replies, posted in General Discussion)

pretty long time considering how long most of my songs are (most don't make it to 2m30s), started this album in may and it's only a little over halfway done lol


(76 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

ant1 wrote:

does the retrigger command in lsdj run over rows? if your groove is 6/6 and you R0C or whatever, will that work? or does it have to be less than 6

obviously not if a new note plays before the retrigger can start but i'm sure you knew that

i love my own music so i listen to it over and over until i get sick of it forever then listen to it again like 6 months later and decide whether or not i actually like it :v


(79 replies, posted in General Discussion)

everything sacred to you will inevitably get shitted all over time and time again. i think a big mainstream chiptune push will be cool.

speaking of "brostep", savant is a cool guy:

^ dat actual chip intro!


(56 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

make a massive replica dmg with valves

also pulse kicks are cool and can be plenty bassy, don't be hatin'

yeah but that's a lot of effort to go through for a commonly used/wanted sound, which is why i said it'd be nice if there was a triangle waveform to select from in the first place tongue

L-tron wrote:
Victory Road wrote:

...triangle waveform instead of sine would be nice, too!

It is a triangle waveform... However, If you want a sine, set your instrument to triangle, manual, and lower the cutoff by a lot (I think)

is this some wicked old version of LSDJ you're talking about? it's definitely a sine in every version i've used.

something about the gameboy chip maybe? hopefully not! pretty sure the P command is a hardware sweep too, not sure if that complicates things or not though.

hmm, yeah. only so much you can do with 4 bit wavetables though sad triangle waveform instead of sine would be nice, too!

can't really think of anything else that would be specifically great on a manuscript-style gb sequencer though