(31 replies, posted in Audio Production)

Art-Z wrote:

I will post this here, cause my question is about reproducing sound but it's sound made in LSDJ.
http://vimeo.com/13240905 at ~27:30 he shows a nice sound which sounds like 2 instrument played at the same time with only one WAV note at once. Does anyone have idea how to make magic like this one happen?

You can do this using a squarewave with Q set kinda high, anywhere between 5 and A is nice imo.
Set the play mode to manual and mess around with the cutoff number until you like how the overtone matches up the fundamental note. The higher the Q the louder the overtone will be.

You can also just use graph paper to work out what a basic waveform would look like with an octave or two added. Some of my favourite wav sounds can only be drawn by hand.

the cross should supercede the pink speech bubble, really smile


(15 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

My prosound gameboy does this, the rest of mine do not. Coincidence?


(56 replies, posted in Other Hardware)

i would buy a kit fo sho


(18 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

well yeah, goes without saying! smile


(18 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

some old saves will transfer, afaik only REALLY old saves like pre-4.0.0 won't work properly
i mean, i've transferred saves from 4.2.1 to 4.6.6 without any issues before


(36 replies, posted in Collaborations)

calmdownkidder wrote:

I'd be up for a 1xLSDJ (possibly w/vox) collab anyone?



(66 replies, posted in General Discussion)

mario cutting himself at a rave

Lazerbeat wrote:

Absolutely! Diabalo 3 is apparently a good reason to take a bit of time off. I agree, several mods seem inactive / busy, a couple of fresh ones might be in order to help with the influx of new users?

how subtle!

but seriously why aren't you already a moderator here? i mean, i always assumed you were but then i've never seen you close any threads or anything.

yeah i don't like the idea of noob tests
it's very patronising and condescending to the many people who aren't naturally stupid

Lazerbeat wrote:

How would you suggest dealing with the problem without rules? Also, I have a great deal of faith in our mods, they are smart folk, they arent going to be assholes about it.

i meant more that my particular view was perhaps too strict to be made into a bunch of rules. more rules isn't always conducive to more fun and one person (myself in this case) might like there to be a bunch of rules that others would hate.

Maybe there should just be a blanket "no crappy threads" rule - the mods DO have good judgement, like you say! Still, I think people can lead by example from right now onwards by not posting in crappy threads.

Actually, just another thought, would it be possible to "subscribe" or something to various subforums to be displayed in "recent posts"? Then people who don't want to see CC threads or off topic stuff just dont have to even know it is there?

i support this!

i wanna make a joke about actual signal:noise ratios but that'd be pretty lame

the main thing that has bugged me is the huge influx of cc and release hype threads. hyping your release isn't a bad thing but it's annoying when there's just a vague date and no songs or even artwork. and with cc threads i think they need to be specific with what aspects of a track they're asking for feedback on, not just a link and "what do you think" and ALSO give us a streaming link be it hosted here or soundcloud or wherever, just let me click play please i am a self-entitled internet git and i need instant gratification 24/7

i don't really think there should be "rules" about this though... or maybe there should? having said all that, my interest in cm.o has actually never been greater :v


(12 replies, posted in Constructive Criticism)

could try optimising your tables - e.g. get rid of transposes in your noise tables and replace them with S commands
i think some gameboys are just worse at staying in time than others though


(11 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)

i never have trouble like this with soundfonts
umm is your resampling interpolation set to 6-point hermite on export?
also is it still just as slow if you export to wav?


(90 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

fart jokes are where it's at amirite

When I went to a demoparty the other week, some dude stopepd me in the halway and asked "Are you Chainsaw Police? Nice to meet ya!" and walked off.

haha, we'd been waiting for you for HOURS that's why! tongue