I had a dream where I met Bright Primate at a coffee shop. That's about it.

When I'm inspired, except for when I was writing a soundtrack in which case late at night freaking out really close to the deadline

Parallelis wrote:


Most of Supercommuter's songs have a rap over it, but they have a couple instrumental songs and all their songs in general are pretty good.


(134 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Lug your desktop everywhere, LAN party-style.


(134 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Why does it matter if something's not "keeping with original GameBoy and NES music"? Your argument seems to be that 2xLSDJ is inferior (is inferior the right word?) to 1xLSDJ only because it doesn't have the same nostalgia or authenticity factor as a "pure" track that uses exactly what a composer did in its golden age.

Maybe it's because I entered this scene without much connection or nostalgia for these machines, but I just don't see why this adherence to an old standard matters so much.

Victory Road wrote:

honestly, i don't even know what constitutes "uptempo" or "typical" chiptune. all i know is that i've yet to release a single track with a BPM slower than 180 :v

Does this count as a released song? http://soundcloud.com/midimachine/victo … ucking-win

As for the future, I guess if chip gets big there's opportunity for lots of cool stuff to happen 'n stuff, but I personally don't want it to get too big. Like, just a slightly-larger-than-medium size in between super-popular and underground.

Oh my gdo it's a crap

But seriously, that many big names means that this has to be good.

Holy carp that is a lot of names


(62 replies, posted in Releases)

Holy crap


(21 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Looks like cell phone case to me. The dimensions seem a bit off.

Also all the corners are rounded.

Yeah I'm pretty sure it's just a phone case.


(27 replies, posted in Releases)

I think that's just how Amiga modules are. Not sure if there's anything that can be done about it.

It's also a silver pocket. And yeah, I was thinking of sanding the whole thing anyways, since the scuff marks really are kinda all over the whole thing.

Hm, would doing this help get rid of minor scuffs and scratches? I have a Pocket that has lots of scuff marks from its previous owner.

It's so frustrating having all these ideas but not having the knowledge to actually create them. I can't tell you how many great ideas I've had to let go because I don't know how to use Ableton or some other DAW.

As for Chipmusic for the most part I think I'm experienced enough to make about what I want, though often the song twists and turns into places I don't initially expect.

You're not helping your reputation by retorting like that. Just type like a respectable person and don't tyyyyyyyppppeeee lliiiiiiiikkkeeeeee tttthhhhhiiiiiiisssss

But anyways, I'll bite.

They could use a lot more in the way of harmony; there's a lot of bare parts where one voice is doing something that isn't all that interesting, and more harmony and channel interaction could go a long way in helping that. Also, the melodies seemed very static and somewhat repetitive, many times consisting of long notes without much change. In general, you need more "movement" in the songs, either rhythmic or harmonic, unless you're going for an ambient, soundscape-y sound (which I don't think you are).

There isn't much low end in the songs either. If you could have a fuller bassline running underneath I feel that would improve the songs much. The wave channel works well for that. Instead of distorting and dirtying up the waveform, try something smoother. Also, turn down the volume of the other channels if the wave channel seems too quiet for you.

I have to admit that the first part of the second song sounded pretty cool with the wave channel, though. If you could keep channeling cool sounds like that but also have more structure to your tracks I think you'd makes some pretty cool-sounding things.

basspuddle wrote:

Just as long as you play gangnam style at least every 30 minutes, you'll be fine. It's weird how much high schoolers love that shit.

As a high school student I can say this is true.