Do you know any music theory? The harmonies you used in here are pretty basic. But then, even though the harmonies are very simple I don't really hear any real clashing notes in there.

Not bad for just a few hours, I guess. All I can say for tips is just mess around with the program a lot, get familiar with everything and try using some other sounds besides the 50% straight pulse wave.


Not sure if it counts but On Thin Air was a lot of fun to write, even though most of the actual work was done in April/May.

I've been just putting out individual songs over the summer, but out of all of them I'd say Latino Sango was my favorite song to write.

And then I just started on the KinG SlasH soundtrack about a week ago, but that's a little too late to be called summer work.


(617 replies, posted in Releases)

preparing my body for more Victory Road right now

He's probably talking about the volume settings in the Synth screen, which affect the amplitude of the waveforms drawn on the Wave screen for use in the wave channel.

But as for the pulse and noise channels the volume is the first digit in the envelope parameter on the Instrument screen OR when using the E command.

Aeros is mean, but it's not like he doesn't have a point. All this is explained in the manual.

I'll try to make it!


(17 replies, posted in General Discussion)

yes yes yes pretty please

He already chose someone anyways. Dunno why he hasn't posted again in this thread to say that but yeah. … read-this/

It's literally three topics above your topic in General Discussion right now.


(617 replies, posted in Releases)

Auxcide wrote:

Edit: Vince, what label?


They're nice folks, just a little slow with communication.


(617 replies, posted in Releases)

I have a 4-track EP of ambient (or is it something else? dunno what genre it'd go under) SunVox tunes coming out...sometime soon. It's supposed to be this coming week, but I'm releasing it through a netlabel and they still haven't given me a fixed date. Foohy.

Here's the album art (courtesy of Frostbyte):

Here's a track from the EP (unmastered version):

I sit down and listen to some ideas in my head until I find one that I like, then I build off of it.

Or I could just get struck by lightning outta nowhere and then write a whole song in a couple hours, but that happens significantly less often.

Funny, I was thinking of doing a hype thread for my next release. Even PM'd a mod to make sure it was semi-okay. Guess I should think twice about doing it then.


(274 replies, posted in General Discussion)


Most of my EPs take about 3-4 months to do, but my newest one (which should be releasing in a week or two) has been about 1 month of actual work, 3 months waiting for the netlabel to reply to my messages.

Edit: also, what Jellica said below me

I use Chrome and the bubble works fine for me.