I like the song itself, but the autotuned vocals kinda ruined it for me.

Frostbyte wrote:

Usenet is too mainstream. I use a series of pings sent in a style of timed morse code to send messages to my friends.

I use shortwave radio.


(40 replies, posted in Releases)

ChipsChallengeBand wrote:

"Written over the course of one week with one Gameboy using LSDJ..."

don't know whether to be impressed or upset

But yeah this is a pretty cool release.

theotheraphextwin wrote:
VCMG wrote:

Tracking is a pretty quick way to write music. So are you basically asking why trackers are like trackers?

I'm wondering why you take this easy way out, falling into some cookie cutter industry,

rather than implementing the true arts, and organizing ideas with technique, and study.

Rather than just placing notes that sound "right" in a correct order.

Hoping to gain some form of popularity.

And you're saying you're not just "placing notes that sound 'right' in the correct order"? You're doing the same thing, just in a different way.

Also how is a still-kinda-underground music scene considered "cookie-cutter"?

Tracking is a pretty quick way to write music. So are you basically asking why trackers are like trackers?

OP's probably left. He posted on µCollective once and hasn't been back since.

Oh hey, I remember you from 8bc. How's it goin'?

It loads fine for me. Looks pretty cool!

Listening to cTrix Atari tunes with friends that like chip, some random dude walks up and goes "Dude that's the sickest dubstep ever"

Honestly at this point you're just digging yourself deeper into a hole. Just let it go and carry on.

Edit: fuuu, I'm a terrible reader.

Smashboy wrote:

OK? I'm not 13,I'm 19 for 4 more days. And I guess if XD's and lol bothers you then you must be and old guy that dislikes young people,I just thought it was friendly,what's wrong with that? It doesn't bother me if they won't like, I didn't really expect them too since I'm a newbie anyways. And I didn't notice anything unintelligent other than your over reaction,like chill out dude.I asked for Criticism and I got it,but I didn't complain,did? I asked questions and my responses weren't negative in anyway.  I rather pick flowers instead of fights,but just because I'm a newbie does not mean I'm stupid. So why pick a fight with me?

Yeah, I was thinking that maybe I was a little too harsh; I was only trying to help you integrate smoothly into this place. I'm just pissed at some other things right now and that carried over into this, usually I'm a bit nicer. I interpreted those responses as negative, not jokingly, sorry.

Also I'm 15, but yes I do dislike most other teenagers these days. I guess that makes me a misanthrope?

As for the actual song, it's okay; not overtly terrible, but like ChipsChallengeBand said, I just didn't like it. Ditto on everything he said, really. I'd say to try and write out some actual melodies, because this song sounds like it's just a rhythm backing for something else. In fact, there's a couple parts in here that I'd say would be pretty good if they had some melodies over it.

But like everyone said, don't give up, keep trying and all that. My first decent song was my 12th one, and even then it wasn't all that great. It just takes time.

Smashboy wrote:

Is this site just for like the the pro's? Because I was told to come here because it was a great place to learn but now I feel like my kind isn't welcome anymore lol

It is a great place to learn if you know how to not sound uninformed. You came here to get constructive criticism and you got constructive criticism. The phrase doesn't have the word "criticism" in it just because. These guys told you they didn't like your song, but they explained why they didn't like your song. Bashing excludes that last part. And they're not obligated to say anything good about your track either. If anything, unwarranted praise hurts your motivation to improve.

As for your kind not being welcome, yes, you are correct. 13-year-olds (I'm assuming you're around that age) that sound exactly like 13-year-olds are not welcome because honestly, they're annoying. However, 13-year-olds that sound mature enough to have an intelligent discussion are welcome here. Those lols and XDs? Cut it out. It makes you look and sound very childish.

Goofing off and not thinking about trying to write my best song ever. If I try and force an idea it usually doesn't turn out as well as one that came straight out of the blue.

Nanoloop's good for getting down ideas, but IME I've found it's hard to write an actual song out of it if you're not doing dance music or other more-loop-based genres.

But as for applying music theory to LSDJ, I'd say the best thing to do is to experiment. Just watch some tutorials to get used to the interface and everything, but once you've got a handle on the interface and most of the functions just play around with it and see what happens. Try all the commands, test out as many things as you can find and see what they do. It takes time, but once you get it it becomes really easy.

(btw chords or should I say arpeggios are made either with tables or the C command, it makes the channel flip through different notes really quickly so it sounds like they're playing together when it's really only one note at a time)