Things to think about/Answers:
1) Why do you need to pitch it as chipmusic? What about all the "chipmusic isn't a genre it's a medium" rabble rabble. It can easily be pitched as "Dj music" which any club is going to be ok with.
2) Good luck making any substantial profit. Money you make is going to go right back into throwing other events. Most likely.
3) Ask if they have a projector/don't assume they have a projector. Don't assume that even if they have a projector they have anything to project on to. Ask if their is an in house sound guy. Scope out the venue first.
4) Bring people to the venue who will buy lots of drinks and you get to come back. Which brings us back to question 1- this is really all they care about, frankly, since they are a business and not a cultural center. Though, if you can get shows at a cultural center....
5) The number of people who say they are coming on facebook will not be the number of people who come. Personally I think word of mouth will be your best bet. So find a creative way to get people talking.
Not at all to be taken as absolute fact in any way but, yeah, my 2 cents from throwing shows, playing at shows, etc.