(13 replies, posted in General Discussion)

slightly off topic, but conceptual, meditative and perhaps inspiring music generation tool here


can't wait till my little one can point a mouse wink

Just seen Avios advert on the TV, and this sounds very chip inspired


edit : lovely tune too smile


(6 replies, posted in Releases)

damn you too much traffic stopping me downloading /shakeFist

Well, I bought sunvox tracker for ipad and after a few hours of messing around it seems to have everything you need to make chipmusic sounding music, and a lot more besides.

It's weird though, something about it doesn't quite feel right.

Starting up milkytracker my brain muscles just go "ahh yeah"

Nice sounds though, anyway, and nice to have it so portable.  Cheap too.

Quick question, anyone found a way to import xm's into sunvox format ?




(73 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Crikey, that soviet one is inspirational -

the visuals at 3.50 look like the ones at Blip Japan too wink

Chipmusic.org is the mmo champion of chipmusic ?

Chichester is the Detroit of chip music.

Paroxysm wrote:

x|k - Baud of Passion

it's probably my favourite chip release ever and i believe more people should hear it.
so here's the link: http://www.archive.org/details/m3d049_b … ion_by_xik

wow ! Thanks for that, brilliant stuff.


(73 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Reteris wrote:

Because we don't give a shit about your stupid thread?

You (both ? royal ?) read 3 pages to type that ?

That's like Zen and Tantric and stuff.


(73 replies, posted in General Discussion)


"it's not a groupie if they had fake breasts"



(73 replies, posted in General Discussion)

45 responses, 4 of which suggested mainstream sounds probably influenced by chip music, 41 of which bitched about what is or isn't mainstream or chip music.

As a scene you're probably lacking in groupies.


(73 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Obviously a sine wave is a sine wave, and a sound chip is a sound chip.

So, I meant more in terms of structure and overall sound.  Some combination which might include vibrato and arpeggios, big rough sawtooth leads with slow glissando, innocent melodies, plenty of key changes, devoid of recognizable instrument, voice or drum samples.  That kind of stuff.

<B>Should I have said "what commercially released stuff sounds a bit like what you think chipmusic sounds like ?"</B>

Raymond Scott thing is amazing.  1959  wow.

Two thing prompted this thread,

one was a creative derailment in another thread where I asked something along the lines of "do we stop calling it chip music when it gets a wider audience ?"

and then (I blame my wife) listening to the x-factor's sponsorship music, I was like, "damn, that's chip music, being played to 5 million people every 5 minutes" (the song is Calvin Harris - Acceptable In The 80s  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhUcSbbURyc)

so, that, and Aphex's "Druqx" amongst others are two very chip sounding mainstream releases.

there was also Hrvatski's brilliant "nuclear cats get new home" (though always thought it was cats... oh well..)  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9EqWCFGzZg

Any more to add to this list ?


(65 replies, posted in General Discussion)

kaneel wrote:

Good luck with getting a review. My latest album got something like 3 reviews and that's all. The funniest is that every websites and blogs I contacted never reviewed it or even replied to me.

damn kaneel, we're all doomed then; yours are some of the few tracks which I think stand up when listened to outside of a chip music context.


(65 replies, posted in General Discussion)

It would be a full time job to keep up with the sheer volume of releases, so personally I would appreciate a regularly updated site which could point me in new and interesting directions. 

And, yeah, it would be great to see more general music sites include chip releases.  Hope I'm not being mean (and I do include my tunes in this bracket) in saying that a lot of chip-music doesn't stand up outside of chip music context, and that's a large part of why it doesn't make it into general music blogs.

Or wait, maybe it does, but then we don't call it chip music (Aphex ?)


(65 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Jellica wrote:

I would like to write chip music reviews but if I expressed my opinions I know that I would just end up hating on a lots of popular things and I cant be bothered wasting the energy on hating on popular things.

I think that I would have problems even listening to more than 10 seconds of a lot of the inexplicably popular chiptunes musics in the first place to even review them.

Fair enough, but that's exactly the kind of site that is needed.


(65 replies, posted in General Discussion)

There a gap here.  I've been looking for weeks, for some hours each day for good blogs reviewing chip music and have found maybe... 2.
