Yes i very like defMON! My new tune is here
97 Sep 30, 2020 9:49 am
Re: defMON (438 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)
98 Sep 28, 2020 8:48 am
Re: where did all the thousands of 8bc users go? (63 replies, posted in General Discussion) %5Fdemsky/
i found my profile at, it is funny to see it, i think anybody can find his profile
99 Sep 27, 2020 12:49 pm
Re: defMON (438 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)
I have released second chiptune album and i have here almost all defMON tunes, i also sent sid tunes to hvsc, so it should be included in next release. I am also working on new defMON tune, it sounds interesting, it is finished only one minute so i will see when it i finish it, because i am primarily working on one long-term orchestral album.
100 Sep 23, 2020 9:05 am
Re: defMON (438 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)
Yes these emulators are very strange, it seems developments are going backwards. I have Commodore 64G (latest german version with 8580 sid chip) with Ultimate 1541-II+ cartridge instead of floppy drive, but now i also use emulator on PC/Mac, i used long time at work Vice x64 2.4 emulator on iMac (cpu Intel Core i7 at 3,5 GHz), this is old version from 2012, and i tried also latest version, same at home on my Lenovo laptop with exactly same settings and sometimes on PC is triangle waveform (10) barely hearable and filters also sounds different. On iMac i also must installed some SDL2/GTK gui extensions because menus are not visible like was in old version and these menus looks so crappy like ported from Linux or what, but i can live with it. Other side is CPU eating, x64sc takes on both computers approx. 40-50 % of CPU time, so it is really incredible, but i see that also other emulations (for example mdplayer, deflemask) eats also similar.
So it is better than nothing, when i finish tune, i run it on real C64 and finetune some things.
Here is my latest tune Mato7, i played it on all emulator versions and i like that old Vice x64 2.4 most, so i am deleting new versions
101 Sep 17, 2020 7:22 am
Re: Recording DMG gameboy - what is your preferred method? (13 replies, posted in Audio Production)
Probably also i will do pro sound mod, i did it on my first creamy Gameboy which died after 3 years, yellow from "Play it loud" edition was without it (also died after some time) and my latest transparent is in great mint condition so i didn't want to modify it except backlight, but with pro sound mod when natural noise go away i will probably record every channel separately and mix it in Audition or Logic.
102 Sep 15, 2020 6:38 pm
Re: Recording DMG gameboy - what is your preferred method? (13 replies, posted in Audio Production)
I record with my steinberg ur28m audio interface in 24-bit/96 kHz stereo into mac pro with adobe audition, i use roland pro cable (stereo 3,5" jack to two mono big jacks). After recording i use waves multimaximizer mastering plugin with proud & loud preset, i dont eliminate noise, because it is part of dmg sound. And at the end i downsample to cd quality with audition intelligent algorithm.
103 Sep 4, 2020 8:14 am
Re: Melodic Options in LSDJ (1 replies, posted in General Discussion)
You can use two pulse channels and also wave channel for third melody, and you can use arpeggios for major, minor, octave, 4th, 7th etc. chords. If you want also use drums, you can probably design drum with quick following bass or lead (i do this often on C64), combining with noise channel you can simulate hihats or snare. After all those years i used sampled drumkit on wave channel probably once, so i more like synthetic
104 Aug 31, 2020 6:44 pm
Re: defMON (438 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)
Yes i use F8 almost always, F is maximum resonance and 8 is filter enable to current channel, some months i also use second sidTAB call, so you can call for example instrument in first row and in second you can call whatever, arpeggio (don't forget to loop it), filter settings, resetting of transpose or filter, whatever, and when you always design from zero all things in sidTAB, then you will learn a lot every day and quickly.
105 Aug 31, 2020 6:37 pm
Re: BGB Gameboy emulator FAQ thread (BGB 1.5.10 released 2022-10-18) (54 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)
I know that BGB emulator is best possible Game boy emulator on PC, but there is some sound bug (maybe it is not bug), i use most of time real Game boy DMG-01 with LSDJ, and there is some difference in one drum sound i used maybe in every song, it is classic drum in pulse channel, note C-3 and command pitchshift down PD0 or PD1 give some punchy sound of that drum (i use command K next line), like it have some resonance, but in BGB emulator that pitchshift down sounds like it was shifted quickly down and is continuing in highest tone. It sounds right, when i enter note C-4.
So in real Game boy even if you enter C-3 (i can't enter lower value in PU1/2 than C-3, in emulator i can enter C-2, dunno why) and use that pitchshift down PD1, you can't go lower, in emulator when pitchshift reach lowest possible tone, it continues in highest. But on Gameboy i dont have new version of LSDJ, i also see that envelope was upgraded to ADSR and not only AR.
106 Aug 31, 2020 6:04 pm
Re: defMON (438 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)
Yes that packing to executable prg sometimes sounds different, then i edit in sidedit init and play address to usual $1000 and $1003 and name of autor/tune and sid chip, and some ring modulation or transpose settings sounds different, but now only in one sid tune in sidplay 2/w. In defMON i really miss transpose of a pattern, i must clone it and transpose it manually.
107 Aug 30, 2020 7:15 am
Re: defMON (438 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)
I can share my defMON tunes (i used to extract prg files from D64 file app DirMaster from Style) and also sid tunes
108 Aug 3, 2020 11:59 am
Re: defMON (438 replies, posted in Commodore Computers)
Someone at Deflemask discord #c64 asked for punchy kick drum, but i use Deflemask only for Sega Genesis mode, so i designed pretty punchy kick drum with noise and pulse waveform, some transposition and pitchbend, which can be applied maybe also for Deflemask, for even punchier kick drum can be used two patches on two channels, each with slightly different settings
109 Jul 30, 2020 1:25 pm
Re: Is analogue selling nanoloop? (12 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Preorder is here, you can also notice in visualizations that buttons Select/Analogue logo/Start are not in corner, but in center as in original DMG
110 Jul 21, 2020 8:21 am
Re: Where to start? (2 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Hello ProfXavier, you can learn basics of chiptune pretty easy here:
I can also recommend you software, such as LSDJ on Nintendo Gameboy, any tracker such as free Modplug tracker, on this forum you can also find all sorts of trackers/music software in every section, good not?
By the way, you are learning to code, paint and compose music at same time? Good luck!
111 Jul 16, 2020 9:00 pm
Topic: JamLoopy (Atari 2600) (0 replies, posted in Atari)
Zden @ Satori released pretty cool cartridge, something like BitWiz on iPad. You can also download bin file and run in emulator such as Stella.
112 Jul 16, 2020 5:15 am
Topic: InSIDious (2 replies, posted in Software & Plug-ins)
Probably most accurate sid plugin, presets are amazing and very authentic, done by famous composers.