excellent release, one of my favourites from this year. some really interesting samples used and the tinytunes work really well too
81 Apr 10, 2010 3:35 pm
Re: ant1 (22 replies, posted in Releases)
82 Apr 8, 2010 1:19 pm
Re: hey you! recommend me some 2a03 musiks (20 replies, posted in General Discussion)
x|k all the time
83 Apr 8, 2010 1:09 pm
Re: [SEGA Master System] Best Windows XP emulator for SMS? (6 replies, posted in Sega)
Thanks! That's what I was thinking, but I have never tried it. Have you been happy with sound emulation when playing?
I have tried it also, sounds just like I remembered it from when I was younger. It's the only emulator I've tried for SMS/Genesis stuff but it does the job really well
84 Apr 6, 2010 8:43 am
Re: CHIP-CON 2010 - MAY 31ST - CANCELED (250 replies, posted in Past Events)
I wake up and this thing is dead in the water? Sucks.
Like others, I don't think that the venue cancelled on the show because of internet chatter, but probably because from the start there was a massive misjudgement on how big this scene actually was on a global scale (in terms of gig turnout). As the venue seemed to be only interested in making money from drinks then I guess they bailed (if that's true) because of the predicted lack of alcohol sold. b3tabot and pals would have also lost lot more money too if the show went ahead which I wouldn't have liked to see.
I hope either he or somebody else will stick around a lot longer before trying to organise a show of that scale next time, I don't think they had bad intentions but really lacked a lot of knowledge about chipmusic which in my opinion led to it's downfall. With a few years under their belt they would have known what artists to book, the best venues to play at, how many people turn out to chipmusic shows etc etc. All this being done on a public forum just looked unprofessional and that's what led to the negative undertones.
The scene lives on anyway (or does it?1?!)
85 Apr 4, 2010 11:49 pm
Re: longer sessions? (13 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)
Firefox 3.6 never logs me out at home, but when I use IE at college it always logs me out. I don't know.
86 Apr 3, 2010 4:28 pm
Re: Metrodub - [14/12/29] - Back & Forth Riddim on Bandcamp (72 replies, posted in Releases)
hey look, my release is up!
http://home.no/metrodub/thanks to Kris Keyser for recording the gameboy tracks
another great release from artist and label... i don't know why i expected anything less though
87 Apr 1, 2010 7:35 pm
Re: ant1 (22 replies, posted in Releases)
awesome! great to see you've released some more tracks, i shall listen later
88 Apr 1, 2010 7:33 pm
Re: Official *CHIPCUNT*/BUTTHURT thread (49 replies, posted in General Discussion)
i think we all have to accept that my idea was the best and will not induce any lawsuits for copyright infringement.
90 Mar 21, 2010 9:50 pm
Re: Post Your Tumblrs! (177 replies, posted in General Discussion)
should probably add that this is NSFW
91 Mar 17, 2010 6:33 pm
Re: SEGA Music Competition: Win A SEGA Master System MIDI Interface (82 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Nice, I started working on some SMS material the other night, I didn't even know this competition was going on. I'll make sure to enter it for sure
92 Mar 17, 2010 2:33 pm
Re: Attention Labels: facebook it up (33 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Hmm. If the music on the label is more 'dancier' and has a lot more younger fans than the norm then I guess why not?
I don't see how it would make a lot of difference to labels like pause and 8bp though, there's definitely an older audience involved and I can't see why they would see the attraction of being able to keep up to date with label news if they hardly use Facebook anyway.
The TCTD RSS feed should cover most peoples tastes
93 Mar 14, 2010 8:17 am
Re: 8-Bit Pimp - New album release by A_Rival (19 replies, posted in Releases)
Nice, I'll buy this when I've got the money. Easily the best chip-hop out there
Will there be any physical copies available?
94 Mar 10, 2010 6:12 pm
Re: Describe the lifestyle where you are living! (60 replies, posted in General Discussion)
I live in Huddersfield, a fairly large town in the North of England that is surrounded by larger cities you've probably heard of before like Leeds, Manchester and Sheffield.
Quite friendly people as a whole, apart from the chavs. But nobody likes them anyway.
Scenery is beautiful once you get out of the town centre.
Really good links to other major cities, Leeds is probably the best night out and it's only 30 minutes away on the train.
Town centre is decent enough for shopping, not as good as some of the bigger neighbours but still pretty alright.
The local music scene is dominated by blink-182'abees and the sort of "hardcore" music where the whole song is a breakdown. Only one local venue too which sucks.
Concrete jungle inside the town centre, they've tried putting in some modern looking buildings but they stand out really bad next to 200 year old buildings.
Job market sucks, dominated by two things really; the supermarket chains over here (Asda and Tesco) normally snap up anyone without a job or studying at our shit University and get them stacking shelves for £3.80 an hour, or... making chemicals at the Zeneca plant half a mile up the road from me.
Replace Zeneca with a powerplant and Tescos with Try-N-Save and you've got the Simpsons
Overall though it's not too bad I guess, I'd rather visit Leeds or Manchester if I was a tourist but if you've got a day to burn then I guess it wouldn't be too bad a day out.
95 Mar 6, 2010 8:08 pm
Re: ------ (299 replies, posted in Past Events)
awesome, personally I would looooooove to see peeR and PDF Format play this baby.
I'll second that suggestion, maybe add Alex Mauer and Zabutom too.
On a sidenote: that lineup so far looks rad as fuck.
96 Mar 6, 2010 1:03 pm
Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANT1 (36 replies, posted in General Discussion)
Happy birthday man, might as well take this opportunity to say RELEASE MORE SONGS. I don't think I've found a bad song by you so far.
Have a good 'un (imagine it said in a broad Yorkshire accent)