
(265 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Fun fact about 8bc's membership numbers: Before I got stripped of my admin rights on 8bc, I queried the database to see how many members were "dead", according to the following criteria: 0 forum posts, 0 image/music submissions, 0 comments and haven't been logged in for a month. I don't remember the exact ratio, but I think it was about 40%. A significant amount, at least. And I don't see any reason why that number would be lower today.


(7 replies, posted in General Discussion)

How many do you need, exactly, and for what?


(265 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Completely random and off-topic (yeeeaaahh) but... Cityscape, what's the deal with the rightmost building in you avatar? Is it a guitar skyscraper?


(265 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Reopened. Try to keep unnecessary blabbering at a minimum, OK?


(84 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

akira^8GB wrote:

Your volume progression is not being smooth, so those are the "clicks" I believe.
Try using a table, too.

That's no actually the problem. It's a hardware limitation. To change the volume, the phase of the waveform needs to be restarted, which causes a click. you can get away with using well E commands in a table, where one continues where the other left off, but the volume column is essentially useless, unless you actually want a static-ey sound.


(265 replies, posted in General Discussion)

El Huesudo II wrote:

I knew I should've dloaded all the tracks I wanted to dload right when I had them at my grasp...

All the files are still there. The only thing that is malfunctioning is the database (and thus the dynamically generated portion, the site and the forums.)
1) Do a suitable search in Google, eg
zabutom site:8bc.org (Anything containing zabutom, on 8bc)
zabutom site:8bc.org/music (Anything containing zabutom, among the songs)
inurl:zabutom site:8bc.org/music (Anything where the URL contains zabutom, among the songs. Gets rid of other people song pages mentioning zabutom)
site:http://8bc.org/music/zabutom/ (About the same thing)
j arthur keenes site:http://8bc.org/members/ (Searches the member section)

You get the idea.

2) Click "cached" for Google's backup copy.

3) Download or listen.

If you can go so far as Win95, perhaps you could use Reason 1.0. big_smile


(60 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Just bumping this to tell you that his homepage is back online. His old host more or less disappeared from the face of the planet, so I offered him hosting and also helped him restore the posts from archive.org/waybackmachine. Now his site is back online, except for posts from 2009 and newer which are unavailable for the time being. (Except for the FatAss post which was re-added.)

Anyway, anyone who wants to put on some fat to their asses, can do so again now. (Hopefully the DNS update will have propagated to everyone by now...)


(13 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Doubtful. It's really a niche market, and I doubt any physical stores, anywhere, sell oldschool GB carts. Your best bet is probably strolling around Akihabara. You'll probably find a lot of other awesome stuff to buy long before you find any GB carts, though.


(21 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Everybody calm down, ok?
L.J., he reason people are upset is that too often people who need music for a video, or a game or whatever it might be just pick a random track and don't ask or even credit the artist. So there's a bit of a zero tolerance against that. So, first rule, always ask before using a sample unless it was obviously meant to be shared.


(18 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Tinctu wrote:

799Euro = ???

I don't know exactly what you want to know with question, but...
1) Tap "799 eur in usd" into Google to find out that 799 Euros is about 1070 USD.
2) Yes, the Euro price is higher, but the newsletter also says this:


The OP-1 is priced at $ 799 / Euro 799 (including EC-VAT).

We have got questions about the dollar versus euro price.
The apparently higher euro price is a consequence of that we are required to add sales tax on all sales to the european union.

And for the record, I'd buy a Zeroscillator over an OP-1 any day.

akira^8GB wrote:

"OP-1 is unfortunately sold out."
At 800 euros.
As RG said I guess this is a nice toy for those rich enough to afford it. me, I still dream that one day Ill have enough extra cash to buy a Machinedrum from Elektron.

Maybe this is just an introductory price for the 100 or so (?) suckers who want to have the thing on the release day? Or maybe they changed the banner to say sold out just to hype the thing. big_smile


(6 replies, posted in Bugs and Requests)

trash80 wrote:

SAV has been added to uploads.

LSDSNG would perhaps be better. 1 LSDSNG = 1 song. 1 SAV = A bunch of songs or 1 song + a lot of wasted space. Besides, if you delete all the other songs from a sav, the deleted songs are still in the file, and perhaps some people don't want that. Granted, I am (to the best of my knowledge) the only person who could easily restore the deleted songs, but still...


(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I like the kid who rediscovers scratching

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gdSHeKfZ … ed#t=2m33s

(To those who don't get it, BTW, at=xx in the end of the URL specifies where the video starts playing...)

(Gah, finally got it working, and it's apparently t= not at=)


(13 replies, posted in General Discussion)

I wut'd.

What arfink said. That's probably the best thing you can do for carts that are "stuck" on one page.

Oh, hello super-old thread. Nope, it stands for file manager. smile