
(10 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

1) Ask your reseller to return it to EMS. (Apparently they're responsive to that kind of problem.)
2) "Bypass" the problem by putting LSDj in both the banks. I still have no clue how to actually do this. Either there's an option in the transferring program, or you can make a super-big LSDj image that spans into that second bank, eg:

copy /b lsdj.gb + lsdj.gb + lsdj.gb + lsdj.gb + lsdj.gb lsdj-big.gb

cat lsdj.gb lsdj.gb lsdj.gb lsdj.gb lsdj.gb > lsdj-big.gb


(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

nickmaynard wrote:

are there any tools to create a .gbs file on a desktop computer?

A .gbs file is like a part of a .gb file, which contains playback code and data. Most gbs's floating around are probably extracted from games. To make a .gbs you need a playback engine. (Just some technical background.)

xpmck is what you want.


(23 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

bucky wrote:

Do you guys think you'd be able to host a mirror of this site?

It's not all gameboy related, but a lot of it is related to gbs files.

If there's a program within there that is worth separating from the rest, for the purposes of what you've got going, it's gbs2gb (you can 'ctrl + f' it to find it). GBS2GB 1.17 allows you to convert gbs files into gb roms for playback on hardware. Without it, I don't know of a good working solution to sample game boy soundtracks from hardware.

Ugetab tragically recently passed away of a brain aneurysm. He was helpful with a lot things and created a bunch of stuff that I used heavily... sad

Thanks for the tip. Will mirror. Do you have any information on his real name and date of death? (I want to put a RIP along with the mirror.)

nickmaynard wrote:
bucky wrote:

I believe it can be done with MML. I would love for a user-friendly, famitracker equivalent for the game boy, but that's a different story... smile

there's that .sav file to html converter website. i always thought that it would be really easy to reverse engineer that into something similar. like, not only could people could swap instruments, kits, songs, etc. through a website and download the .sav's onto their carts but they could also edit the notes/phrases/chains.

That's another one of my project ideas wich may or may not happen in the future, depending on how much time and motivation I will have. smile


(5 replies, posted in General Discussion)

http://gbdev.gg8.se/2010/08/gameboy-emu … avascript/
http://gbdev.gg8.se/2010/09/yet-another … avascript/


(24 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Sorry, button input, not keyboard input. smile


(24 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I had/have a similar problem on a 'boy that someone asked me to fix. I just replaced the innards and kept the broken boards for myself for future analysis. Perhaps I'll be able to figure it out one day. smile
It might be that the keyboard input is half-broken because the -18V power supply line for the LCD touched one of the lines related to joypad input. NeX, care to comment?

Oh that was your mail... Didn't realize. Yeah, I'll take a look at it.


(24 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I actually think the original problem is a problem with the buttons of the Gameboy. Ie, a short circuit between the buttons.

Do you mean to get the sav fixed?


(27 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Battle Lava wrote:

You specify LSDJ rom 4.0.5 in your blog article, but have you tested functionality with version 4.0.4 which is the latest stable version?  Or does littleFM require the bleeding edge?

It should work with any version really, but right now I'd need to prepare a patch/ROM image manually for each version. That's why one of the planned features is a ROM patcher that lets you patch any version of LSDj.
It should actually even work with pre-filesystem versions of LSDj, except that there's no way to save songs.

Thanks for the donation. I've added you to the list.

Edit again: The patch is for 4.0.5 only. This is because that's because dt's the version it was created from. The way you produce an IPS patch is that you give it an original file (Clean LSDj ROM in this case) and a changed file (The same LSDj ROM with LittleFM installed.) The IPS program then produces a patch which is basically the difference between the files. If you try to apply that particular patch to a different LSDj version, it will probably fail because the patch doesn't match the file you're trying to patch. This has nothing to do with LittleFM, but is true for all IPS patches.


(49 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Am I the only person who's not terribly amazed by this program? It plays samples, and that's about it. Not even your own samples. The one thing that would a regular tracker is the jam mode thing.
I wonder if it will sync to DS-10... If not, then kind of meh.


(27 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Instrument swapping should be easier, but I'd rather focus on song swapping first smile


(27 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

Battle Lava: Hey, thanks for the donation. However, it seems that you somehow managed to donate a few swedish kronor instead of a few dollars, (Equivalent of 90 US cents) of which most was swallowed by PayPal, leaving 38 cents.

Also, out of the features listed there, kit trading is plobably lowest priority. In part simply because I'd rather finish the rest of the "core functionality" first. In part because it's a bit tricky to accomplish for a few technical reasons. (Mainly having to do with the sector sizes of flash memories vs the size of kits.) But it is still a planned feature for sometime.


(27 replies, posted in Nintendo Handhelds)

I just released LittleFM 04 (which is the first public release.) If the image above and the rumors are not enough, feel free to read this wall o' text.

http://blog.gg8.se/wordpress/2010/11/09 … ttlefm-04/


(79 replies, posted in General Discussion)

Fedex Parcel Tracker



(79 replies, posted in General Discussion)

abortifacient wrote:

I second Trxor. No Scattracker, Coprophilia is never appreciated.

Good sir, I think you're confusing this man with a coprophiliac!


(79 replies, posted in General Discussion)


Tim Exile does it again. First he did "The Finger" which is a multi-effeck plugin that lets you add various effects live by pressing keys on the keyboard. This time The Mouth lets you beat box or sing or wahetever, and it will automatically add chords and stuff.